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After Rose left, Kara dropped herself again on the bed. thinking about Taehyung and everything.

'He kills people'

she thought,

"uggh. why do you have to be like this?"

Kara said as she took her phone in hands again, going through their texts.

"oh shit.I'm going to teach him parking?? How Am I going to Teach him ?"




Kara, may look a tough girl but real softy inside like a coconut. she won't let you see but she's really afraid of Blood or killing things from her childhood.

That's why when she heard of Taehyung killing people, it made her kinda feel insecure and Being afraid of him too.

"think think, you need to skip it or postpone a little at something"

After thinking like years, she decided to not showing up infront of him.

"I won't go there , he doesn't know my address so he won't be able to find me and I'll say  I was sick or something. Yes that would work I think"





(Next day)

Yoongi needs something that he forgot to take, So kara had to go out to send it to him through service center.

She was planning on staying at home all day long to avoid any kind of chance of interaction with That Kim mighty Taehyung.

But Kara and Karma, they're like childhood Enemy.



"Are you going out like this?"

Rose eyed Kara up and down with a unknown disgusted expressions.

"What's wrong with it?"

"oh nothing, Just take a sign board of 'USE ME' and stuck it on your head because You look like A WALKING TRUSH CAN"

Rose shake her head and drag Kara to her room for her outfit.


"Why are you doing this? I'm just going to deliver it nothing else"

Kara said a little annoyed by her friends behavior.

"Then this one??" Rose clearly ignored her reference.

"No, let me check. I can't trust you. You're going to make me go out half naked"

Rose rolled her eyes and watched Kara choose her outfit.

As long as those are Rose's dress. Rose is okay with it whatever she chooses. She knows her dresses are way more better than Kara's.

"This one. I'm taking it"

"Um- ah..."

Rose opened her mouth to say something but stopped in the middle.

"You'll look good in that"

Rose smiled at her friend.




"Did she got bitten by a mad dog or something?" Kara thought as she get out of the house.

she Cursed yoongi for making her go out in such a Dangerous time. Yeah Very Very dangerous.

"Okay now relax will you. You're not gonna see him anyway"

She put Yoongi's things to the delivery center then was walking towards the bus stand. She was so busy to Cursing and Mind killing that she didn't see Her surroundings and Bumped into someone.

Tell me whom do you think she bumped into??

Tell me whom do you think she bumped into??

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A/N: my holidays are over. I'm crying because I have to leave for hostel. Then I have exams in November.

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