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Sorry for Fucking my own rules like shit, I was supposed to update in every Thursday but I'm on Holiday for at least 3 more days , that's why..


Let's get to the chapter 😅😊

Kara was in her room, flipping and throwing herself on the bed.

She wants to text Taehyung. But couldn't get the courage.

"Kara, you can do it. You're the daughter of Yoongi oppa. Make him proud. "

Kara took a deep breath and grabbed her phone.

Kara: Hello.

Kara waited for sometime like 10/15 but no response. So she texted again.

Kara: Hi.

But again no response. Starring at the phone making her eyelids heavy , Being frustrated she throw herself on the bed and burried her face on a pillow.

After a minute or two, she got a notification. She was so dishearted that she weakly took the phone to check it.

Taehyung: who is it?

As soon as Kara saw the name she jurked up and sit Straight on the bed. She smiled with 450 volted power and tried to form a sentence to say.

Kara:  I'm JK.

Umm ..parking note girl.

Taehyung: Kara.

Just a single word, your name on his text made you so much happy because he knows your name. Don't have to tell him any other references to make him remember.

Kara changed Taehyung's name on the message board.

I know you. I thought you
won't message me. It was
quite a long time.

Kara felt bad seeing his message. She wanted to text earlier. But couldn't make herself do it. Now she's regretting it.

Kara: I wanted to but. Didn't know how to or what to say.

MyMan: you didn't need
to think That much.

So when are we Starting
my Parking Classes?!

Kara chocked on air seeing his last message even tho she knew this would come now or Later.

Kara: whenever you are
free.I'm on it.

MyMan: Tomorrow ?

Kara blinked her eyes sometime, is this really going to happen?

Kara: Okay, see you
tomorrow then.


Kara wasn't a girl that would fool around and liking someone just for fun or stuff.

It was first time that Kara liked someone that Really made Rose happy. But One thing she can't ignore was kim Taehyung.

Taehyung wasn't into relations. He's a Mafia , player. playing with girls, handling guns killing people. Those are his everyday things.

Rose can't let Kara to be his next target.

She needs to know Whither Taehyung was sincere or not. She needs to Tell Kara to be safe. Because if Kara gets her heart break. She won't be able to trust anyone else ever.





Rose wants to talk about it with Kara, so there she's standingoutside Kara's room, waiting for Kara to open the door,

But she did and Rose was being so impatient. She pushed through the door, opening and getting Inside.


Kara was Lying on the bed, phone in her hands. she sat up as Rose entered the room.

"Kara, I... I need to talk to you.. with something"

Roses Slowly said but voice sounded so serious that made Kara to tensed up a bit.

"what happened? is everything okay? you okay?"

"I'm  okay. I'm just worried, about you."

"huh?" Kara looked at her confused.

Rose is Her childhood friend and like a elder sister. In every decision of her life Kara Only trusts  Yoongi or Rose. no one else Rather then Them.

"ah- umm... about Taehyung" Rose spoke again.

" Come here" Kara  took Roses hands in her's and lead her on to the bed.

" Relax will you? you're my friend moreover like a sister. you have full right to say anything to me. okay?"

Rose just nod.

" so tell me"

" A- umm. Are you sure about Taehyung? Do you really love him?"

Kara smiled shyly at her question,

" yeah, I think. but not sure about love thing tho"

"He's  a mafia, killing is his everyday  work. will you be okay with him?"

'k-killing? '

"What? He kills people?"

Kara asks widening her eyes.

"Yes. I donno but heard about it. Listen Kara,  I know your so strong but just be safe around him okay? I'm serious "

Kara said nothing. Seeing her like that Rose Cursed herself internally,

' pabo! Why did you have to be that much Straight forward to the point. Now your baby is sad'

Rose thought to herself.

" Listen baby, I'm happy that you like someone. I just want you to be happy if you like him I'm with you. Don't be sad okay?"

Kara just nodded her head. She's clearly still shocked.

Kara knew taehyung was a mafia but


he's  just like 21 or something. 

How could he kill a people at such age?

How could he kill a people at such age?

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