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As she was too busy in cursing and mind killing, she didn't seem to notice her surrounding and bumped into someone, fall on her butt.

"Aww..... "

"Sorry, did you get hurt?"

"Do you THINK i-..."

She Was about to scream but stopped as soon as she saw the person infront.

Jimin hyung.

Jimin hyung

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He's Taehyung's friend. She saw them together most of the time.

'what is he doing here. Oh no don't tell me Taehyung is also here ' Kara thought blinking her eyes.

" N-no.. I'm okay"

Kara Quickly get up and looked around, just to check if Taehyung around or not. But she couldn't find anyone around and Sigh in relief.

"I'm sorry. T-Thanks, I'll go now"

Kara Bowed a little showing her apology and turned quickly to leave,

"Wait ! "

Kara stopped and closed her eyes.

' did he recognize me? Please don't say he do!  don't '

"Yes?" Kara nervously asked.

" I think those are yours, Are you going to leave them?"

Jimin said pointing to the bag and stuffs on the road as Kara turned to him.

' it's so Awkward, Damn!' Kara smiled as Awkwardness Hugged her ever so gently.

"Ahahaha yes those are mine. I'm going to take them anyways, I was just.."

Kara Quickly Bend down and collected her things and jimin also bend to help her.

"Thank you again I'll go now"

Jimin was confused to see the girl infront of him, she looks suspicious to him, why is she behaving like that and all she wants was to leave quickly.

He looked at her but he couldn't even recognize her.

He thought of let it go as he doesn't know her. Then something caught his eyes again.

"Hey, wait!"

Kara stopped her track again and Cursed Yoongi and rose AGAIN for the 100th times.

Teach A Hoe How To Park||Kim Taehyung X Reader Where stories live. Discover now