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"So that dude has seen your face"

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"So that dude has seen your face"

Jimin said as he saw the note laughing hard.

"I think so.."

" and she/he really can put a smile on your face. I really like this Tae but why aren't you trying to find out who he/she is?"

"I'm scared Jimin! What if it's a boy and I figured out to like a boy?"

Taehyung said with a heavy breath.

Jimin hummed because he can understand the situation.


"Stop Being so mean Kara. I won't work if you keep on doing it"

Rose was trying to make Kara understand but She's KARA. She only listens to herself. And put on a second note of the day.

"D-did that dude just confessed to you?"

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"D-did that dude just confessed to you?"

Jimin Said excited to see the note.

Taehyung just smiled and tried not to show his excitement but failed.

He was never an early morning person, absolutely not for attending college.

But since he found that JK, he attends each and every morning classes.

Maybe he counts on that note dude for putting a smile on his face.

According to His notes, Taehyung understood that he/she also likes him and also understood, Whoever it is, he's Real honest from his heart. That was pulling Taehyung closer.


"Oh you're back? How was the meeting? And where is Jimin"

Jin asked seeing taehyung coming back from his work.

"He will come after clearing the mess don't worry hyung."

Taehyung smirk and Walked pass Jin.

"I really need someone to whom you would listen to. You're getting out of hands"

Jin spoke sheaking his head with heavy exhale.


Taehyung lay down on the bed closing his eyes. Thinking about everything happening around him.

It's been a while he didn't went to party or had sex. He wants to get one of those sexy chickens but his heart wasn't listening to him. All his mind was filled with That parking dude.

"What did you do to me?!"

As the thought crossed his mind, he sat straight.

And went to take a cold bath to relax himself.


Kara was putting a note with a bright smile pasted on her lips thinking about the reaction of Taehyung.

She likes watching him frustrated and happy.

She put the note and just entered the hallway and her heart skipped a beat as soon as her eyes fall on A certain someone.


He was walking towards his car with a Heroic attitude putting his one hand inside the pocket and running other hand through his hair.

'So FUCKING hot!!'

She thought.

She came out of her day dream as Her eyes meet with His. For the first time They saw each other in college, they had an eye contact and Kara could feel her world destroying.

She diverted her eyes within a second and turned around, cursing herself left the hallway very quickly.

She diverted her eyes within a second and turned around, cursing herself left the hallway very quickly

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I'm tired, I don't want to study but I'm really stuck in here.

yeah yeah thanks a lot.

don't Forget to VOTE tho!

Teach A Hoe How To Park||Kim Taehyung X Reader Where stories live. Discover now