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*After a Long long time I'm Here*

As He turned to face her, Kara's eyes Widen

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As He turned to face her, Kara's eyes Widen. It's Dark but the faint light illuminated from outside was Enough for Brightening His beauty.

He looked Stressed but that looked like another texture to his beauty.

He's beyond reality. So Ethereal.

"What are you doing here and how did you get in?" Taehyung Whispered as he asked her like if Anyone heard they'll be in trouble.

"Your kitchen window was open-.." Kara Simply replied like it's not a fact that a 19 years old girl Seek inside a 24 years old man.

"Do you have any problem? I can leave if you don't want me here" Kara sensed his Tension and she felt a little sad. She never thought Taehyung would be sad seeing her here.

"NO! I mean no don't.I've no problem it's just-"

Yes Taehyung was Stressed because Kim Seokjin was Downstairs and if he knows, he'll get another Strings to Bug you.

Taehyung looked at your direction as you were looking at your legs with your hands behind like a little kid who was scolded a while ago.

' That's your girl Taehyung Who Seeks into her boyfriend's room without a second thoughts'

Taehyung thought as he Smiled a little. He saw boys seeking in multiple times but this time it's no one other then his Own girl. Everything with Kara is unnatural.

He slowly went Closer to her as he Boops her Nose tips making her look at him.

"Don't you wanna tell me what happened? That made you come here at this hour"

Kara Blinked her eyes as she recalled what was Rose doing in her Apartment.  Thinking about it made her senses Awake and she became aware of the close proximity of Taehyung in front of her.

She blinked her eyes Again, Suddenly felt like she's dehydrated for Years as she Gluped.

'Don't think about Those things and Shut your horny Ass Kara' she continued to tell herself but That beautiful face and beautiful Smile of Taehyung wasn't helping.

' He's the Mafia here, He must do the thing, it's a perfect time for a kiss but why isn't he getting it?'Her Thoughts getting Wilder by seconds.

Only if Taehyung knew what was going inside Kara's mind he wouldn't Smile this innocently. Sometimes Mafia person leaks those speciality.

Well, Kara don't leak anything. Absolutely don't.

So she Closed her eyes tight and Placed a quick peak on his lips making him off guard in a flash of light.

And after doing it she realized what she did.

"I'm- O my GOD I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that I don't know what just came on me and I I'm sorry taehyung I thought it was the best time to kiss and I just, Oh my God I just gave you my first kiss Away like that and i-"

Taehyung was Shocked and a little surprised but After seeing your flashed face he couldn't help but to smile and look at you in Aww.

Soon his Smile turn into a Smirk as he grabbed the side of your head and shut you down by kissing you.

This time not just a peak, the Real kiss.

He moved his lips against her very Swiftly as she melted in his Arms. He Tailed his tongue along her lips asking for entrance but as it's her first ever Kiss she doesn't know how to and her reaction was making Taehyung's mind go crazy.

He was about to make her open her mouth when-


Taehyung parted their lips as soon as he heard the voice of Jin hyung coming from outside like behind his door.

"Tae- are you Awake ?"

Jin asked again and Taehyung panicked. You were Shocked because of that Streamy kiss that you didn't get what is happening around you just stared at Taehyung with your wide eyes.

"Stay here, I'm coming in a while" he said before exiting the door.

*Thinking if I should continue this or Leave it like an Abounded child*

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*Thinking if I should continue this or Leave it like an Abounded child*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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