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He's hairs are messed up and a little Wet because of Sweating, Anger can be clearly be seen in his eyes and hands dropping in blood because of the cuts done by the cracked glass pieces.

Kara suddenly felt dryness in her Throat that she swallow heard.

Kara suddenly felt dryness in her Throat that she swallow heard

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'Damn , that boy looks so Fucking hot when he's Wild'

Kara mentally cursed herself for thinking that in this situation when she should be thinking how to talk to him or scape from his Territory. What if he kills her for making him wait. moreover How to treat his hands or something.

"Kara!" Taehyung spoke breathlessly as he swallowed, emotions are clearly defined in his voice.

Kara went closer to him and looked at the car window and then Taehyung's hands.

"Sorry I'm.. I'm late, there's something came up so i.....

She licked her lips slightly taking it in slightly biting as she was having difficulty to form sentence. Giving Excuses weren't her thing.

She looked at Taehyung's eyes that is Looking at her with mixed emotions. she pressed her lips into a thin line. Then she spoke,

" But We need to treat your hands First. Let's go"

Kara was about to walk pass him when he grabbed her hands, he exhaled to Collect his Anger,

" I'm okay, it's nothing just..."

Kara was a little Shocked at the contact, it was first time Taehyung touched her after knowing each other for so long. She smiled a little but don't want to show him her Overflowing feelings.

" No it's not okay, you can't even park a car with good hands let alone wounded one's. I Love my life more then anything . Let's go "

She took Taehyung's large hand in her small one and headed towards the medical room. His hands were so large  and warm that Giving Kara an unknown confidence to go ahead with him.

Taehyung just smiled at her snap because Deep inside he knows what she meant. After all they had a long relationship Whither it's thought Notes or in front.


"So we'll start with those simple one's okay just lower your speed and get in that space in between"


Kara started to give him instructions and he follows but he REALLY sucks.

Each time he does anything wrong Kara would mumble something under her breath which made Taehyung smile a little.

And whenever Taehyung smile or giggle, Kara Would stare at him in Aww because he really looked adorable and no one could say it's the man who broke the Car window by his hands just a while ago.

" Woa- , holy Fucking Cro-wo"

Kara mumbled in her breath and Taehyung Frown his eyebrows.

"Are you complimenting my looks? Or something? I can't hear you"

Taehyung asked cheekily although he knows Kara was saying something absolutely not about his looks or any good things about him.

"N-No nothing actually, I was just wondering" Kara looked everywhere else then his face.

"Wondering what?"

"Just wondering if you could just, just park at least 1% of your looks"

(End of flashback)




Roses mouth wide open as Kara spoke the last part.

"I got panicked and I Low-key INSULTED HIM"

"Seriously? Why am I not surprised?!!"

Rose said as she huffled and rolled her eyes.




" What kinds of remarks?"

Jimin was curious because the younger one looks so happy and adorable while talking about his experience. He has never seen taehyung like that. Not with People other then his hyung's or jungkook.

" And she replied with 'Only if you could just park at least 1% of your looks' and then she turned into a bright shade of tomato looking outside to hide"

"I already like her. At least there's someone that could stand in front of you, without even thinking the consequences. She's breave"

jimin said referring to Kara and Taehyung Frown.

"What do you mean by like her"

Jimin looked at Taehyung dumbfounded. Then after a few seconds he brust out laughing.

"OMG Taehyung-ah you're jealous?"

"No, I'm not" Taehyung spoke with a poker face.

"I can see that, Out of all those things you just heard that I like her or not? ! and I really like her for you. Don't worry you jelly beans"

Taehyung didn't say anything just smiled.He doesn't even know why he snapped like that.

"Are you going to see her soon?"

"Yeah. Can't wait actually"

Taehyung said as he closed his eyes remembering her bright smile, beautiful lips and How beautiful she looks in all black without doing anything.

"How am I going to control myself when you're this much beautiful. I'm not that good at staying away Kara. I need you and I need you in my arms very soon"

Taehyung mumbled under his breath as he close her eyes drifted to Dreamland.

Taehyung mumbled under his breath as he close her eyes drifted to Dreamland

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RIP  to the Author.

BTS didn't let me and my phone take a single rest for those days, I was Dead, and it's my soul taking to you .

Iffinoor_BTS thanks granny. You really Supported me mentally. I love you kid.

Sae_Jeon97 And you also,I didn't know I'm this much important tho.

Mia_Btsedits I love you baby.

And thanks to everyone who reads my books.

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