Rain - Chapter 3

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( They all went to school early, not wanting to be seen with Kacey, Kacey walked in and everyone stared)

Shelly -  ( In a whisper) - I've never seen a blue-eyed goth!

( Kacey kept walking to his class, sat at his desk, sprawled out)

Mr. Cailman - Kacey Campbell, I presume?

Kacey - Rain!

Mr. Cailman - Kacey, I'm not calling you that, how could you even want to change your name from a bright one to a dark and gloomy one?

Kacey - My nickname was always Rain, that's what I prefer to be called.

Mr. Cailman - Class today we learn more about the human body, places your not supposed to pierce, but our friend here decided to disobey the laws of nature, besides jewels are for girls.

( The class laughed at Mr. Cailman's remark)

Kacey - Sir, you're disobeying the laws of nature, weren't you supposed to be dead a thousand years ago?

( The class ooed)

Mr. Cailman - ( Trying to change the subject) - Kacey, I'm not calling you Rain, it's too dark!

Kacey - Well then Mr. Cailman, you can just have me suspended for skipping class, 'cause I'm leavin'!

Lance - Damn, he's got balls!

( Everyone in the class agreed, whether liking it or not, Kacey had walked out, went home, Mr. Cailman sent the school guards to bring Kacey back to school and to sit with him during school, so he wouldn't take off again)

Kacey - ( Talking to the guards) - You can leave now, I'll sit and stay, just like a dog everyone thinks I am!

( The guards left the room, staying in the hallway)

Mr. Cailman - Nobody thinks your a dog Kacey, they aren't too proud of your dark name selection or the way you're dressed.

Kacey - It's my body, I'll do what I want with it, it's not illegal to be gothic!

Mr. Cailman - Be gothic on your own time, not ours!

Kacey - This is my time, it's my education, ain't it?

Mr. Cailman - Yes, but...

Kacey - But nothin', teach your agenda and don't look at me, you won't even notice!

Mr. Cailman - Fine, now let's talk about the vagina, the...

Kacey - The cervix, urethra, fallopian tubes, ovaries...

Mr. Cailman - ( Cutting Kacey off from finishing, seeming shocked at his knowledge)  - How did you know that, we haven't taught that yet?

Kacey - In Cedar Rapids, Iowa; we've learned that in 8th grade!

Mr. Cailman - You soundboard, Mr. Campbell, you teach it, get up here!

Kacey - (Smirking, walking slyly up to the front of the class) - Fine, alright class...

( Mr. Cailman leans on his desk, butt on the desk, arms folded, as Kacey continues)

Kacey - (Pulling the visual screen down to show what he was talking about, using his hands across it) - The ovaries produce eggs, in which the woman passes monthly, called a menstrual cycle; for the chance of making offspring, which is latin for little one, meaing the baby, however it first travels through the fallopian tubes to the urethra and onto uterus where babies are just a bunch of forming molecules, they attach themselves to the lining to feed as well through bellybutton which is really a scar from the cutting of the umbilical cord, after 38-40 weeks, you come out usually through the cervix; in which is really just a fancy name for the birth canal, the one I didn't say 'cause I was interrupted, was the hymen, well 'cause if the woman has had sex or intercourse is what it's actually called...shit, I'd rather just say non-virgin, she'll no longer have one....unless she hasn't had sex in 10 years, oh you can skip the penis, it's basically like the vagina, only pretty much the difference is the female has a urethra and the male has a pancreas, which is why men can't have babies, even the bladder is in the same place inboth sexes, if you hold your piss in to long, it can cause an infection in the kidneys, if bad enough, it could cause both kidneys and bladder to erupt, then you die.....

Mr. Cailman - Mr. Campbell, you missed the prostate!

Kacey - No, you just like cutting me off, also men only have a prostate in which is a tadpole factory, where the baby starts, goes to the balls, then through ejaculation; I prefer to say cum... however it meets the egg and finish baking in the uterus with a bubble called the womb...

Mr. Cailman - Why didn't you mention that when you talked of the woman's area?

Kacey - Probably 'cause it's up guy's asses, not really at the area of the penis it's only attached to it with transfer lines, that's basically all!

( The whole class jumped up to go to pee, not wanting the just spoken of infection, Kacey took his seat, smiling slightly)

Mr. Cailman - For what it was and the effort, you did, however, did a swell job, I'll give you an A+ for today.

Kacey - Whatever works!

( The class change bell rings, as people file out, Mr. Cailman rambles something about the reading assignment pages 65-96, due the next time class is in session....the day passes quickly, Kacey silently went home, the ones that lived there followed him home, just barely in the door, Lance starts...)

Short Stories By : Tina DittmarWhere stories live. Discover now