Rain - Chapter 11

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Jesse - ( Smart-assed) - Usually that means, you don't have the funds on that to pay for what you're trying to purchase!

Lydia - And why would that be, Jesse?

Jesse - Okay Lydia, you wanna do this here, fine! We're divorced, I turned off all my cards, and I'm all moved out of the house, in which I did have the judge let you keep that, I switched banks yesterday, so, no you don't have another way to pay for that stuff, well, unless you have any of my money hidden, that I don't know about!

Lydia - Please, tell me your joking right now!

Jesse - Why, would I joke about that?

Becka - Jesse, that's harsh as hell, and bullshit!

Jesse - So what, worry about your own issues, Becka!

Becka - I don't have any!

Jesse - That you are aware of anyway!

Becka - And, what's that supposed to mean?

Ryan - We're divorced too!

Randy - We all are!

Ryan - Hey, Jessica, you seein' anyone?

Jessica ( Clerk) - Not at the moment!

Lydia - Really, Ryan?

Ryan - Yeah, really! She's a babe!

Lydia - Look at this girl, she's all hicked out, she doesn't like the Rockettes!

Jessica ( Clerk) - Shows you what you know!

Ryan - Yeah, Jesse's your favorite right?

Jessica ( Clerk) - No, you are!

Ryan - Hot, damn!

Jessica ( Clerk) - ( Sings-raps) - Babe, You're for me, babe, come on, come with me, you know I'd be the one to set you free, roll wit me, roll wit me, come on, babe, unh, come on babe and marry me!

Ryan - Oh yeah, that's my girl!

Lydia - Why, cause she can rap your part, better than you?  

Ryan - ( Holding his hand out to Jessica) - Precisely, come on babe, run away with me!

Jessica (Clerk) - ( Hopping over the counter, dropping her apron) -  Okay!

( The guys leave, with Jessica, stopping to grab her things, with crazy queens right behind them, they dart off to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, losing the girls as they take a different highway exit, pulling into the gate of the mansion, they rush inside, laughing, Aaron and Justin having the doubling over effect)

Hannah - So, I take, it went well? 

Jesse - As well as it was going to!

Mr. Cailman - I bet they followed you!

Jesse - I bet, we got in here, quick too!

Kacey - ( Sings) - O' beautiful, For spacious skies, For amber waves of grain...

( Everyone chimes in, singing the whole song, they laugh, as all sets out to do whatever, in there own groups, and directions, claiming the night and their freedom, especially from the crazy queens, whose at the gate of the loan mansion, begging for a new start)

Kacey - ( Breaking the fourth wall) - Yeah, as if that's gonna happen, NOT!

The End

Short Stories By : Tina DittmarWhere stories live. Discover now