Rain - Chapter 9

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Jesse - Awe fuck, yeah cum inside me, Kyle...unh...

Mr. Cailman - Yeah, fuckin' awesome ass...

Jesse - ( As Kyle slipped out of him) - I so, get to do you now, hopefully, the way I imagined, do you have a weight room?

Mr. Cailman - ( Puzzled, but smiling) - Yeah, you wanted to do me in a weight room? 

Jesse - ( smiles back) - Uh, you have no idea!

Mr. Cailman - ( Leads Jesse to the weight room and inside) - Here we are, the weight room!

Jesse - ( Looking around it, excited, grabs Kyle's hand, leads him over to the bench press) - Climb aboard!

Mr. Cailman - ( Waving the lubrication bottle) -Good thing one of us didn't forget this! 

Jesse - ( As they both kinda snicker) - You ain't kiddin'!

Mr. Cailman - ( Holds his index finger up) - But first...

(Kyle gets on his knees beside Jesse, hungrily slurps his massiveness into his mouth, giving him the returning favor)

Jesse - ( Surprised) - Wow, Cailman, sure you haven't done that before, your amazing?

Mr. Cailman - ( Stopping long enough to answer) - No, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't have a clue either!

Jesse ( Arches an eyebrow) - Unh, good point, just so you know, your amazingly awesome! 

Mr. Cailman - ( This time not stopping) - Mmm hmmm!

( After Kyle finished his Jesse sucking treatment, he climbed above Jesse, straddling him, as he wanted)

Mr. Cailman - ( Gazing down, looking into Jesse's eyes) - Now what?

Jesse - ( Holding on to Kyle's hips for a moment, then freeing one hip, reaching around Kyle, holding his hardened self with the one hand and gliding Kyle down onto it, with the other, popping the seal of Kyle's ass, as Kyle moaned as if to say he was alright and it felt good, Jesse released his hand from his prick that was buried inside of Kyle's luscious ass) - Oooh, so tight, Mmm hmm, ride me, cowboy!

( Kyle rode as instructed, feeling good, starting to shake, Jesse took the que, bucked up into him, although, staying strong, even though dazed, Kyle kept riding, meeting Jesse's thrusts, Jesse sat up as the ride continued, picking a spot on Kyle's neck, he sucked and nipped, kissing Kyle's blood rushed tendon, Kyle throws his head back with the feeling of desire and completion, moaning loudly, then louder and louder, Jesse felt the quivering earthquake of Kyle's wanting, but shaking body, he held his hips, picking Kyle up, still inside him, laying him on hims back, still on the bench press, moving his hands from Kyle's hip to the underside of his legs holding the calves, leaning into Kyle, Jesse pounds faster into Kyle, getting even louder there moans heightened as Jesse banged into Kyle, relatching his mouth onto another part of Kyle's neck, Kyle felt really amazing, he began to jack himself, Jesse started to cum still inside Kyle, Kyle was fucking his tightened fist, stroking harder, with the sound of there moans as Jesse cam in him, at the mid point of Jesse coming, Kyle came again with Jesse, squirting his heated load onto, those surprisingly hard pecks of Jesse's, Jesse collapsed on top of Kyle, breathing hard, as they both were)

Mr. Cailman - Jess, you okay?

Jesse - ( Slight snicker, breathing hard and starting to sit up) - Oh yeah, That was hot, your so fucking amazingly awesome! 

Mr. Cailman - ( Agreeing) - Oh yeah, you were the best!

Jesse - What about Lydia or Hannah?

Mr. Cailman - ( Shrugging) - Lydia, not really, Hannah, yeah she amazing, I was meaning for a dude, hey let's go grab a shower, unless you want a million questions when they get back!

Jesse - Sounds good to me!

( Grabbing their clothes they went upstairs, Kyle turned on the water, Jesse came up behind Kyle, gripped his waist, Kyle reached his arm around Jesse's neck, they kissed and climbed into the hot shower, water running over them, as they kept kissing, breaking the kiss...)

Kyle - We probably should wash up, if I keep kissing you, we'll just have another round!

Jesse - Yeah, I don't doubt that!

( Finished washing up, they go back downstairs, putting the roses in a vase of treated water, they headed outside to get air, as they got seated on the porch chairs, beers in hand, the car pulled up)

Jesse - ( Tilting the bottle a little) - Hey, they're here!

Kyle - ( Laughed somewhat) - Okay, you sounded a bit like Carol-Ann just then!

Jesse - ( Also laughing a tad bit) - Maybe a little!

Mr. Cailman - Would you ever wanna fuck me again?

Jesse - ( Repeating his Carol-Ann remark) - They're here!

Hannah - ( Coming up the steps) - Jesse, you're here?

Jesse - Yeah, is that a problem?

Hannah - ( In wonderment) - Just please tell me, you didn't bring Lydia!?

Jesse - If I had brought Lydia, you woulda heard her when you entered the gate!

Hannah - ( Rolling her eyes, heading into the house) - Thank god!

Jesse - You ain't kiddin'!

( Both Jesse and Kyle laugh)

Kacey - Had a good time?

Mr. Cailman - How about, you never mind and mind your own business!

Kacey - Common guys, I'll take that as they had a wonderful time!

Lance, Elijah, Corey, and Jason - ( Agreeing, walking in the house with Kacey) - Yeah!

Jesse - ( Snickering, drinking his beer) - You never minded your own business!

Mr. Cailman - ( Smiles, gets up heading down the steps) - Fuck you!

Jesse - ( Smiling, following Kyle, Sorta whispering leaning towards him) - Uh, we just did, and you want me to again!

Mr. Cailman - ( As they enter the barn from the back door) -  And, you didn't answer when I asked if you would again!

Jesse - ( Grabbing Kyle by the waist, pulling him in) - Wow, are we related to Oscar the grouch or what? Unless you want everyone to know we just fucked!

Mr. Cailman - ( Cupping Jesse's face in his hands) - Well, would you?

Jesse - ( Seeming dimwitted) - Would I what?

Mr. Cailman - ( Sightly annoyed) - Really?

Jesse - ( Laughs) - Calm down, calm down, yes Kyle, alright, I said you were amazingly awesome, I'd love to fuck you again, if you'd want me to!

Mr. Cailman - (Smiles, eyes twinkling) - Really?

Jesse - Kyle, when did you lose your self-confidence, your hot, your smart, funny, great football player, you're teaching kids, and your sexy...

Mr. Cailman - ( Both holding each other's waist now) - Hot and sexy are both terms as to say someone's good looking!

Jesse - ( Smartly) - Yes, and your hot-n-sexy, sexy-n-hot, whichever way you wanna hear it, you are, hell, I've always wanted you, Kyle!

Mr. Cailman - okay, okay, your not so bad yourself, ya know!

(Jesse kisses Kyle, holding onto him tightly)

Short Stories By : Tina DittmarWhere stories live. Discover now