Rain - Chapter 4

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Lance - You're really advanced!

Kacey - Yeah! So!

Cara - we didn't know you were so smart, still, I won't date a guy, who wears all that!

Kacey - And, you won't with me anyways, I'm gay!

Lance - That explains it, is that why you're gothic?

Sarah - We're going to the mall, And that's doubtful!

( The girls leave, losing total interest in Kacey. The guys on the other hand went upstairs following Kacey, Kacey swung the door, turned to lock it, the four guys were just through the door, he went and lied on his bed, the four looked around the room, newly painted black with glow in the dark marijuana leaves as well as the orbit scattered above his whole room, the lightbulbs in his room was changed to black light lightbulbs....the four guys looked and sounded worried)

Lance - Kac- Ra-ain, can w-we ta-alk to y-you?

Kacey - (With an evil look and lighting a joint) - About what?

Elijah - A-are you real-ly ga-ay?

Corey - Ya-yeah, a-are y-ou?

Jason - W-we a-are, ta-oo!

Kacey - (Puffing his joint, sucking in the smoke, holding and exhaling as he spoke) - Are y'all afraid of me?

Lance - Y-yes!

Kacey - Why? My darkroom, my piercings, the way I'm dressed or?

Jason - A-all of i-it!

Kacey - Nothing in here bites, well...unless...maybe if you want it to!

( Kacey says as he cooly lied there smoking his blunt, not really moving except to hit his smoke, with a half-smile and barely moving or blinking his eyes)

Corey - W-hhat d-oo y-oo m-mean by-y th-that?

Kacey - Y'all can quit shuddering, I was only kiddin', it's only a dark room, nothing is gonna hurt you, come in further! So y'all are gay too, huh?

Lance - Yes!

Corey - Yeah!

Elijah - Yep!

Jason - Uh-huh!

Kacey - ( Lighting another joint, puffing then holding it out to Lance firstly) - See that wasn't hard, much better, no stuttering!

( The guys got closer to the bed, stopped, Lance reached for the joint)

Kacey - ( Lets Lance take the joint, offers them a seat, then smirks) - You can sit on the bed, I won't bite, unless you want me too!

( They all sat on his black comforter, in their own comfortable positions)

Lance - If the reason you changed your style because we're picking on you, we are extremely sorry!

Kacey - No, it wasn't that, I always wanted to dress like this, do this to my room for a long time now,  but my mom said if I did, no one would come over, not even for her, so for her...I didn't, but here with the fuck you attitude I'm in and the adults are gone, I had time to do it, well a dark room ain't easy to switch back to normal and anyhow, none of this is y'all's fault, I wanted to!

Lance - ( Relieved) - That's good, it wasn't our fault! Hey, if one of us were to kiss you, would your lipstick come off?

Kacey - It's forever staying, this won't come off, unless I wash it off!

Lance - That's good to know!

( Lance kisses Kacey)

Kacey - Normally, I don't just kiss people, nor do I let them kiss me freely, it's usually harder than that, so if anyone else wants to do it freely, right now's your chance to take that opportunity!

( French-style, they all took their chance)

Jason - You're a great kisser!

Corey - Awesome kisser!

Elijah - Sexy kisser!

Lance - An excellent kisser, is that why you won't kiss or let anyone kiss you freely?

Short Stories By : Tina DittmarWhere stories live. Discover now