dude im a mess

10 1 0

So my life is ew

But here's some fun shit

I took a book about a trans guy to school and just read it during study hall which was fun (nobody noticed because it doesn't say transgender anywhere on the cover (which I'm pretty sure is deliberate for closeted bitches like myself)

We watched a video on Alexander the Great (which is cool because the ancient Greeks are really cool to learn about imo) and honestly the dude is like Hamilton levels of secret dumbass

I love historical figures that seem really cool and impressive and then you find out they did shit like I don't know cheating on their wives and publishing pamphlets about it

Teacher: Alexander the Great-
Teacher: no-
Me: and there's a million things I haven't done

Friend: I'm pregnant
Guy: wow
Friend: the dad is kfc, taco bell, and mcdonalds. it was a fun night.

Yo I can't wait for a dumbass (i like to hope there's only like one person who's that much of a dumbass in the world) to die tomorrow

Lol bye

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