ten: thought of karma

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"Pharrell do you mind just giving Alexis here a tour, I'm going to have a talk with Rohan."

"Sounds good," my brother nodded then gestured for Alexis to follow him, she gave me a dirty look but to be quite frank I could care less.

I walked through the various section of the girls that worked for me. All of them greeted me with a simple 'good morning', as they were trained to. I respected my girls to the fullest and ignoring them was something I didn't quite practice, but today I was far too furious to even open my mouth. The most I could work up for their sake was a slight wave.

I headed up the stairs, using my keys to quickly unlock my office door. Once I had, I opened it wide giving Rohan room to step on in.

"After you," he said, but the look on my face told him exactly what I was thinking. Rohan stepped into the office but made sure to keep a good enough distance between the two of us.

I smirked while shutting the door, I made sure to lock it as well before I turned on my heels and proceeded to join Rohan where my desk was. "Have a seat." I pointed while walking around to the other side.

I plopped into my leather seat and opened my desk drawer to pull out my cigar case. I propped it on top of table, opening it up and pushing it in his direction. "Help yourself." I instructed him while reclining back in my seat.

"Wow, this is your good shit." He cheesed over them, before taking his pick. "I must've done something right." Rohan reached into his pocket for his lighter, wasting no time to get started on his cigar.

"Or so you would think." I smirked, before finally leaning forward. "Now that you're all taken care of; I'd just like to ask you a few questions. Nothing too serious." Running my hand down the side of my face, I let out a sigh as my eyes wandered to Priya and I's wedding picture that sat on my desk. "Let me start light."

"Mhmm," he hummed through a cloud of smoke.

"For starters. It would be nice to know what the hell was running through your head when you brought Alexis to my house..."

"Honestly Pierre, that was all due to miscommunication. Alexis basically told me that she had planned to meet up with you after you guys spent time in the hotel. It wasn't until we pulled up that she switched the script, telling me she had a plan for business and needed an in. As much as I wanted to turn around, we were already there, she knew the route. I'd much rather her be there when I can cover you as opposed to her pulling up on a day when Priya may be home alone."

"Okay and do you think I'd plan a meeting with her, without you knowing?"

"I mean, I figured because you had to run back to the gala, that you may have forgotten to mention it."

"And do you think that I'd have a meeting with her... at my home of all places?"

"Well of course at first I was confused, but then the time she was giving me; made a lot of sense. I knew that Priya would be at the gym so, I didn't think that could be just a coincidence."


"And once she ran her business plan by me, I figured with all the mistakes that I had made in the past especially with losing such a big client; this could be my chance to make it up to you. It was as if I was handing you another chance on a silver platter."

"Oh, really now... so..." my brows knitted, "she tricked you the first time into bringing her to my home. That's one thing. Now, tell me what she did for you to bring her here today? I mean, if one learned their lesson the first time; I'd think that this wouldn't happen a second time."

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