CHAPTER 1 (Lexi's Picture)

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"Oh hell no!" I shouted and stood up from my bed.

It was still 7 in the morning on a Saturday when Aunt Jessica barged in my room grinning like a mad woman.

"Lexi, come on. I know this is a big change but I finally found someone after 35 years of my existence." Aunt Jess whined.

I just can't believe she's doing this to me. She's been with me for almost 10years and now she wants me out of her life just cause she's finally marrying Ryan.

"Oh my god Aunt Jess! You can't just drop a freaking ball like that to me. We have our life here and now you're leaving me alone?" I bursted angrily.

I'm in the verge of crying with all this things she is telling me. It's way too much for me too handle. In times like this I wished my parents were still alive so that I can have someone I can run to. But I have none of that.

My parent's died when I was 7 years old in a car accident, leaving my Aunt Jessica as my guardian, she's my mom's younger sister and she has been my guardian since I was 7 years old. I know she has done so much for me but it's all too sudden.

"I know Lex and I'm sorry. But I don't have to leave you alone, you can move with me in Florida hon." she said calmly.

"What?" I looked at her in disbelief, "Aunt Jessica! What the hell are you thinking? My life is here. I just got accepted in my dream school and you're asking me to give it all up?"

"We can find you a new school hon, please calm down. Let's talk about this." she sat in the edge of my bed looking defeated.

"No way! No way in hell you're making me move. Screw Ryan! He's the one who wants to marry you then let him stay here for good." I said gesturing my hands dismissively.

"I'll talk to him Lex." she stood up, "Please think this over. I'll see you later." she said before she left my room.

I don't care what happens but I am not moving, I just graduated from high school and I finally got my acceptance letter from UC. My friends are here too, we all got accepted in UC, this is my life now. Aunt Jessica knows all my dreams and plans, why would she ruin it? I mean he's just a guy, I'm her family.

I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and dialled Rob's number.

"Mmmm?" he mummbled.

"Rob, wake up!"

"Lexi?" he asked grouchily.

"Sorry to wake you up but I really need to talk to someone."

"This better be important Lexi." he warned.

"I think I'm moving!" I shrieked.

"Moving? What do you mean moving?" he asked sounding confused.

I told him about Aunt Jessica marrying Ryan and then moving to Florida, etc.

"I mean is she really ruining my life?"

"Lexi, that's really simple you know. Go get a dorm or you can live with me if you want." Rob said calmly.

"You serious? I can't afford a dorm Rob and no I can't live with you."

"Why not?"

"You're living with your brothers and I'm not being rude but you barely even have enough space." I said jokingly.

But its partly true, Rob has 5 brothers and me living with them? I don't think so.

"You're right. But maybe you can live with some of our friends? With Naomi?"

"No way! Her mom's going to skin me alive." I said laughing.

Naomi's mom is making her pay all the bills and stuff and I don't think she'll appreciate me living with them.

"Probably. Lex you're screwed." he lauged, "I really wanna help you right now Lex but my head is really pounding. Can I call you later?" he asked.

"Rob!" I whined.

"Fine, here's the thing Lex I really think you should let go of your Aunt Jess. I mean she's been with you, your whole life. She gave up her life for you, and now she finally found someone that makes her happy, I think you're being unfair to her."

Even though I hated what Rob is implying but he's right. I'm being unfair to Aunt Jess, I took away her life, she took care of me even though I'm not supposedly her baggage. And it's time to give her back what she has been giving me. So I'm really moving? Good bye UC? Goodbye my friends? my life?

"Lex? You still there?" he asked. "Though I'm not saying you move with her, but you're a big girl now. I'm sure you can handle yourself, you're turning 18 in 9months."

I guess he's right. I'm such a horrible person sometimes, I'm a self-centered bitch. I was only thinking about myself. How about Aunt Jessica's life? She's not the one ruining my life, I'm ruining her life. I should let her go and make her happy.



Hello :) Thank you for reading my story!!! Oh gosh I guarantee you that I will finish this story! I'm having a break from my school soon so yeah.

Give this story a chance. :)

xx CoE.

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