CHAPTER 5 (Chris' Picture)

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"What makes you think he looks like that?" Jacob chuckled. We were sitting at the kitchen counter as I told them about my wild imagination about how Christopher looks like.

"Well, nobody mentioned his age. So I just thought." I said shyly. I looked at Christopher who was also looking at me intently.

"Don't you know that it runs in the blood?" Jacob said.

"What?" I asked. I don't even know what he was talking about now.

"Look at me Lex," he said, I followed him and looke at him with my eyebrow raised. "I'm hotter than those A&F models am I? What makes you think my cousins are less likely to be like me?" he asked proudly.

Cocky! Well it actually crossed my mind but I don't know. I didn't answer cause I don't know what to say. Chris was so quiet the whole time while Jacob and I are having this conversation. Was he mad at me for acting like a crazy woman awhile ago? I mean I didn't mean to, he practically have given me a heart attack.

"Excuse me but I have to go now, I still have work to do." Chris said as he stood up, "By the way, nice to meet you Lexi. Goodnight." he added before he left.

I blushed and felt butterflies in my stomach. I was at lost for words and I didn't know why, so I covered my face to hide my reaction.

"Ohhh, someone has a crush!" Jacob teased, I looked at him confused,

"You like Chris, don't you?" he asked smirking.

"What?" I asked surprised. Why did he even think that? I just met him for goodness sake! I know his super hot but that's it.

"I know you like him Lex." Jacob teased again.

"Well excuse me Mr., uhm hey what's ur family name by the way?" I asked. I didn't know his family name, I know Ryan's but not Jacob's since Ryan's mom is the older sister of Jacob's dad therefore Ryan's family name was different.


I laughed, Jacob Lautner? What a coincidence, he has Taylor Lautner's name from Twilight and Taylor's Family name.

"Jacob Lautner? Taylor Lautner? Twilight fan are you?" I teased.

"Oh please don't compare. I'm hotter than that dog, besides that movie's so gay." he grimaced.

"Hey! Twilight fan here. Don't be such a hater Lautner!"

"Whatever." he laughed, "Will you please don't change the subject. You like my cousin, don't you?" he teased again.

"No Jacob. I just met him like 30 minutes ago. I'm not like you, you know. Manwhore!" I joked.

"Ouch!" he said while putting his hands on his chest faking hurt. "Hey don't blame me, girls can't resist my hotness." he looked at me seductively.

I rolled my eyes at him as His phone rang.

"Hello there bunny." he answered seductively.

My my my Jacob, you are such a manwhore. I bet he's gonna leave anytime soon to see this chick.

"Yeah baby, I'll pick you up?"

"Ok, I bet! See you later." he bid good bye seductively. He closed his phone as he shook his head smiling.

"Booty calls?" I asked smirking.

"Shut up," he rolled his eyes and stood up, "Gotta get going Lex, see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see you. Use protection." I joked.

"Whatever. Try not to miss me, will you?he smirked.

"Can't promise. Ciao!" I waved my hands as he left.

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