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"Nah, it's okay. Had an okay sleep sleeping beauty?" he said smirking. Okay so he noticed that i fell, wait! Did he just call me sleeping beauty? I

I looked into his eyes and we stayed like that for a moment but then I felt my cheeks heat up so I shook my head to hide my blushing.

"Uh yeah." I blurted out.

"I didn't want to wake you up and I was going to carry you but I was thinking it might freak you out." He was thinking of carrying me up? What a sweet sweet boy!

"Thanks Chris but I'm okay." I smiled and hopped out the car as I felt butterflies in my stomach. I know its a small gesture but for me this is big. It's like the first

time a guy is this sweet to me.

I went up room and stared at my ceiling. Chris was an okay guy, no, he is so much better. I don't know what I really feel but I know it's something. But I can't, the fact that he is too perfect for me and not to mention, older. What to do? I am getting crazy! Why not Jacob instead? No, he's a manwhore so no thanks. I snapped out my stance when I heard someone knocked on my door.


"Yeah? Chris?"

"It's Jacob." I heard him chuckle as the door flung open. I frowned, too harsh Jacob.

"Disappointed?" he smirked as he sat on the side of my bed.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Nevermind! Anyway, wanna watch a movie?" he asked enthusiastically.

"What movie?"

"The Avengers. Please Lexi? My treat!" he siad with his puppy dog. Jacob can be a 5 yeat old sometimes.

"Okay fine, let me grab my-" before I can finish my sentence and get my cardigan Jacob dragged me out of my room into the kitchen where Chris was filed up writting something on the table.

"Hey Chris! We'll go out to watch a movie. Wanna come?" Jacob asked still holding my hand. Chris looked up and stared at me surprised. Now, I felt conscious. I was just wearing my tube since Jacob dragged me all the way here without my cardigan.

"Why dont you take a picture?" Jacob smirked. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Chris snapped out of his thoughts and went back to his papers.

"I'm busy."

"Don't be such a kill joy!" Jacob said.

"I have things to do Jacob." he said looking up and landed on Jacob and my hands and went back to his papers. Disappointment washed over me.

"You love birds go and enjoy" he added.

Lovebirds? Does he think Jacob and I? I jerked my hands away from Jacob as shocked flashed across his face,

"You want me to get cold Jake? I'll go get my cardigan." I said leaving.

"Opps! Yeah go get it little girl!" I heard him say.

I was up for the movie awhile ago but when Chris doesnt want to come then I want to stay here too but I guess its too late, Jacob will surely carry me out the house whether I like it or not, so whats the point?

"You sure you don't wanna go Chris?" I asked. He looked up from his papers and smiled apogetically.

"Lots of papers to work on. Sorry Lex."

"No worries, very well see ya later!" I chirped hiding the disappointment i felt.

Jacob and i watched the movie. It was pretty intense, we were so engrossed with the movie and argue about Thor an Ironman. I just love Thor and Captain America. Who wouldn't? Oh yeah, Jacob. he was over cofident saying he's much bettet than the two, I just didn't bother arguing about it though since he wouldn't take no for an answer.

The movie ended at around 12. Chris was probably sleeping already when I came since he wasnt in the kitchen where we left him awhile ago. I wasnt sleepy yet cause I had a good afternoon sleep so I decided to watch a TV, I flicked the channels when finally Charlie St. Cloud was on but it was halfway through it. I saw someone or something at the corner of my eye. The lights were off so I wasn't sure what or who was it. I tried to ignore it and hugged my knees tighter. But suddenly I felt something beside me as the sofa dipped.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed.

"Whoah! Lexi are you okay?" a familiar voice said as he jerked away from me.

"Oh my god Chris you scared me!" I exhaled, relieved.

"Sorry." he said sheepishly, "you scared the hell out of me too."

"Err sorry. I guess I should stop drinking coffee, it's making me jumpy and nervous all the time."

"Yeah, you should." he shrugged, "So what are we watching?"

"Charlie St. Cloud."

"Hmm, how's the movie by the way?" he asked.

"Not sure, I think its all drama. I haven't started it."

"You were late? And drama? I thought it was all action with Hulk in it."

"Oh! You mean The Avengers?"

"Yeah" he chuckled,

"Opss, it was great actually funny." I giggled remembering the scene where h

Hulk punched Thor for no reason at all.

"You missed one half of your life." I added. He chuckled and shrugged,

"It's okay, I can see it next time. i just had to finish my work tonight since I'm going out with you tomorrow." Oh my god! So he wanted to watch but he didn't because of his work because he needs to accompany me tomorrow? Guilt washed over me taking away fun from him.

"My gosh Chris! You don't need to accompany me tomorrow. You shouldn't have done all the work tonight just to accompany me to a stupid college shopping."

"Relax Lexi. I know i don't need to but I want to. So please stop and just watch." he gestured his hands dismissively. I was really guilty. He barely goes out off his job and I took away his fun night, I may say. But he did his stupid work just for me. Why did he even do that?

We watched the movie silently as I felt my eyes dropped heavily. I felt something covered me up but was too tired to wake up so I ignored it.

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