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The creature loomed, opening its jaws as it floated down towards them. It destroyed everything in its path, causing mass chaos. Screams echoed, making the girl's ears ring as she ran. Suddenly, her father and sister appeared beside her, before falling over.

They called to her, asking her to help them; but whenever she ran for them, they ended up further away. The creature got closer, knocking the building above them. She peered up to see a large chunk tumbling down the side of the structure, not slowing for a moment.

Her sister made eye contact with her, and just as she was about to be flattened, she calls the girl's name-


Lucille McClair woke up screaming, sweat over her forehead and tears brimming in her eyes. When she saw a shadow in her room, she began to panic. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest as she tried to figure out what to do.

"Luce, hey breathe, it's just me," she heard a voice insist calmly. Luce pushed her hair away from her face so that she could see them.

Her sister sat in front of her, not flattened. A quick look at the clock on the nightstand told her it was almost half-past two in the morning. Steadying her breath, she shook my head, "Dammit. I'm sorry, Val."

The older girl wrapped her arms around her sister soothingly, "Never apologise, okay? You know I don't sleep anyway."
Luce smiled at her, grateful for her being there.
"Do you want me to stay with you?"

Wiping her eyes, the brunette shook her head. "I'll be fine," she reassured her sister. "Twice a night is rare."

"Okay," Valerie replied softly. "I'm always nearby, remember?"

Lucille nodded once more, thanking her before she left the room. Flicking on her lamp, the girl swung her legs out of the bed. Grabbing the water bottle sitting on her nightstand, she brought it to her lips and drained it.

Lifting the prescription bottle next to it, the girl sighed. After the Attack on New York, she had gotten rather sick. She didn't remember much since it was three years ago, but her parents believed it to be bad enough that she needed treatment. So now within the first week of each month, Lucille would go to her Oscorp to receive treatments from the doctors who work for him.

With their advances in gene therapy and funding from Oscorp, her father believed they'd be able to help her. They believed if they could help the girl, they could use the results to help others.

However, the nightmares continued to come regularly to the girl, as well as splitting migraines. Lucille tried to tell her father, but he insisted his employees knew what they were doing. He worked in genetics and chemistry and believed he could find a way to deter the pain that coursed through my body periodically.

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