𝟕|the announcement

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The next morning, Luce was woken up early by her father and instructed to get ready. Her appointment at Oscorp was scheduled for half-past seven so that she wouldn't miss too much school. They left without waking Val, her mum dropping Luce and her father off on her way into the city.

By twenty-past seven they were in his lab and Luce was lying in a hospital bed. He hung a bag of the medication they were putting into her on an IV stand, double-checking that it was correctly measured, and then hanging up an empty bag on the other side for the excess after it has gone through the machine. He then said goodbye and left her.

The translucent orange liquid fed through a modified dialysis machine that her father's team had put together. They told her it was so that her body didn't reject the medication, and that it wasn't just diluting her blood. It also worked much faster than a dialysis machine, so she would only need to be hooked up to it for an hour.

"Alright, Lucille, this is just the same as usual," Molly informed her as she inserted the IV into a vein in the girl's hand. Molly was her nurse whenever she came into Oscorp. The woman was in her late 40s, and had been Luce's nurse for the whole three years; she was here every month for each treatment.

"Thanks, Molly," she smiled, wincing somewhat as the needle pierced her skin. She had had a lot of these appointments now, but that didn't make getting a needle any easier. The feeling of something piercing her vein like that made her skin crawl.

Molly placed tape over the entry point with a small smile, patting her hair, "Of course, sweetie. Now, I'll be back in one hour, we'll do a quick scan, and then we'll arrange for someone to take you to school. Did you bring a book with you today?"

Rummaging through her bag with her free hand, Luce's face fell. "I must have left it on my desk."

"I wish I had something for you here, I could see if one of the other nurses has something for you?" Molly asked, truly sympathetic.

"Don't worry, I'll keep her company."

Luce looked over to the door to see Harry walking in with his school bag slung over his shoulder and a bottle of what appeared to be orange juice in his hand. He came over and gave the girl a hug, before dragging a chair closer to the bed.

Molly grinned, "Thank you, mister Osborn. I'll be back in an hour, Lucille. You two stay out of trouble until then."

"No promises," Harry joked.
After Molly left, Harry held the drink out to his friend. "I thought you might like some sugar."

She accepted the bottle gratefully, removing the cap and taking a sip. "You should be like this all the time."

"Only for you, Lu," he replied with a wink.

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