20- The Player

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Okay, okay, ummm... This chappie miiiiiggghhhhhht.... beee.... more confusing than the others with a big chunk of Krusie. But... you know guys...


Let's do this!


Asriel's P.O.V.

"Why did you call me so late..?" Emmy said over the phone, her voice dull and weary.

"I think I've found the solution. I think she might be the key to unlocking determination's secrets." I said in pure Eurika. I just couldn't be wrong. I clutched the book I held in my hand; the one of mythology and powerful gods. Ever since realization struck me, I just couldn't put the book down.

"She..?" Emmy yawned. Then, she gasped. She figured it out, and I was counting on it, "You can't be serious, Asriel." She squeaked with a breathless tone.

"I am."

"B-but, you said you would give up on this. More people could get hurt, Asriel!"  Emmy stated out of fear.

"Don't worry, Emmy." I assured, "I'll pick you up. Ready the extrac-"

"Okay, okay, I'll get everything ready," She sighed, "I just... have a bad feeling about this."

The other line came to a halt. And the conversation ended.

I knew this was dangerous...

But it was still powerful.


???'s P.O.V.

Everything's dark...

But nothing is in here...

"Where am I?" I growled as I hissed at the pain in my wrists. I was tied, but nothing was there. There was only the void of darkness.

"Ah! You're awake! Finally! I was getting tired of waiting y'know." A voice said in a mysterious tone, discord and malice slithering around every word that the entity spew. Holding a mischevious grin they gazed upon me, I couldn't see their eyes, they were still hidden by the darkness.

"Let me go! And I'll let you off with a minor wound." I said fiercely.

"Oh, my! So ferocious! Just like your daughter, I suppose." The entity said.

"S-susie..? What she got to do with this? What did the little brat do this time?" I said in anger.

The entity before me groaned, "Geez, stop pretending you don't care about your kid. I mean you just spied on her yesterday just to make sure she's alright." Grinning from ear to ear, they stared at me expectantly.

How could they know that?

The word they swam in my mind as if it were darkness itself.

"You're delusional, kid."

They giggled, amused. I wanted to spat at that mocking laugh, but something made me unable to. Although I couldn't point out what it is exactly, I chalked it up to be magic. Magic that was far powerful than mine, I presume.

They breathed a sigh and clicked their tongue, "You're not as amusing as Kris, but you'll do, for now."

"What do you want from me?" I said as I stuggled and tried to use my magic, it seemed utterly hopeless, because my magic has somehow been sucked out of me, "Why can't I use my magic...?" I mumbled to myself.

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