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Dear Soyinka,When I read your words,I screamed like a Khaleesi with dragons

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Dear Soyinka,
When I read your words,
I screamed like a Khaleesi with dragons.

Upon the clerical on my throat as a civilian do I write.

They say there are reasons,
Why the gun refuses to fire!
Why the night is dark in these eyes, And why we are doomed in your sight!

I am crippled at your feet,
Trying to see victory,
Not with violence to begets violence. Not with force to pull the walls of Babylon.

But with words!
For you bought me when
you walked sideways like a tortoise carrying its house on its back.

Yes! You stood still!
Triggering the rod in your hands to wipe the breath of
mothers and fathers,
People who called you to defend them,

Oh they never told us
Of how this day could be

On the parlor shades of brown,
We would have smiled with tears Because,
it would have torn us apart before time.

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