𝘗𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘜𝘱

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the girl walked off the flight to where she was supposed to grab her baggage.

she waited ten minutes until her suitcases came around, "well damn, that took a bit."

she walked to the starbucks, she wasn't going to meet the boys there, she wanted something for herself, but lucky enough they were there too.

"boo!" edwin came up behind her and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug.

"oh my god. i missed you so much!" she cried. "you guys too," she made her way over to brandon, nick, austin and then zion.

"so... have you checked?" nick asked.

"checked what?"

"your subscriber count, you fucking idiot!" zion stated.

"ouch, no, ill do it now," she pulled her phone out. "holy shit, it went up almost two million, oh my god." the boys gave her a smile.

"okay, so, i also have something to ask," the girl stated as they started to walk out. "have you seen that you guys are up for a PCA?"

"we're what?" brandon asks.

"people's choice award, right?" austin asked.

"yep, clem is up for animal star and im up for social star!" she said.

"no fucking way!" nick said.

"you guys are up for two awards, group, and boyband," she smiled.

"okay, i might cry," zion said.

"i thought management would've told you, i'm telling the other boys later if they don't know too," she said.

"they didn't," brandon stated.

"which is exactly why i don't have a manager," she said. "they're sly bastards. never trust those asshats."

"i'd say you're insane, but now, im not so sure," edwin said as he opened the door so she could get in.

"it's true! the only manager i might ever trust is christina's!" she stepped into the van.

"green-eyed legend brian? right?" austin asks.

"yes, we love him," she said as edwin closed the door.

"we'll talk to management about it, maybe," nick said.

"you guys have a say, you know?"

"but we can't break contracts," brandon said.

"but i can."

"don't do something stupid," edwin looked at her putting his seatbelt on.

"you have options, i could A, hack and leak. B, hack and delete. C, tweet and delete," she said listing the options.

"tweet and delete is superior," zion said.

"i do it far too often," she sighs.

"we know," austin laughs.

"what are you doing today?" edwin asks.

"i think im going shopping with zach later. he said he wanted to do it at some point while im here, i have two other days for them too. one for them in general and the other for gabbie and lavender," she said.

"you aren't gonna buy anything, are you?" nick asks.

"no, if i do it's only going to be one or two things. i'm not into shopping too much, i'd rather spend it on better things."

"you can afford to splurge, kallie," brandon said.

"i know, but i want to have enough space in my luggage," she reminded him.

"you can use one of mine," edwin offered, "just give it back when i come back to new york."

"fine, i'm not saying buying a lot though," she gave up.

"FINALLY!" zion said. "if zach doesn't make your style better i'll do it myself."

"im offended, i think my style is perfectly fine," she said trying to find the offense.

"wear something skimpy for once,"
brandon said.

"you have a girlfriend," she said.

"your point? you never wear anything revealing and we all know you can pull it off," he said.

"fuck off, maybe i will," she snorted.


"go to hell," she mumbled.

the chatter and insults continued all the way to their house.

𝘯𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘴 | 𝘈𝘝𝘌𝘕𝘎𝘌𝘙𝘚Where stories live. Discover now