Chapter Sixteen

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Present Day

After lunch, I went to Algebra II with Ms. Brookshire. she handed me a page for notes along with two worksheets of assignments. She told me i could sit anywhere and then she began to take roll. After that, she put the notes on the projection screen and began to write.

I liked the class so far. She didn't ask any questions, didn't pity me or anything. She just treated me like a regular student and I appreciated her for it.

We were reviewing polynomials and factoring. I was enjoying it. It was easy, for now at least. After taking our notes. I got started on my worksheets. Then this boy came over.

"Makaia right?" He'd asked. I nodded my head.

"You're the new kid in my first period right?"

"Yeah." He said. He started into my eyes, almost like he were looking for something. "Ahhhh, um. I don't get this, can you help me?" He asked breaking eye contact and holding up his assignment. I gave him a half smile and nodded my head yes.

He was struggling with the ac method and expanding binomials. I worked with him, giving him practice questions while explaining what to do. After about twenty minutes, he was beginning to understand.

"Okay, so I multiply the first number by the last one." He said.

"Mhm." I assured him.

"And then I think of a number that will divide evenly that will add or subtract to give me my middle number."

"Yes, keep going."

"Then I rewrite it adding the variable x. Then continue with factor by grouping."

He finished working out the problem. when he finished, he gave it to me to double check.

"I think you've got it down kid."

"Kid? I'm grown."

"So you think."

"No ma'am, that I know."

"Yeahhh, okay you keep believing that."

"I will." He said with a chickle. "But seriously, thanks for helping me with this. I really appreciate it."

"No problem." I said resuming back to my own individual work. "You know, I didn't even ask what your name was. I'm sorry." I said.

"It's okay mamas. I'm Luke."

i felt my cheeks get red. I'd never been called that before . . . and I kinda liked it.

"Yo, you straight?" He asked me.

"Yeah, sorry. I've never been called that before."

"Awwssss somebody felt the butterflies." He cooed.

"Psht. Whatever." I said.

He began to work on another problem off his worksheet as I did the same. I couldn't help but notice that he kept looking up at me every now and then. I caught him in the act and said something. "See something you like?"

He licked his lips all while looking at mine. I got all tingly inside and felt my cheeks get warm all over again. I forgot that I'd even asked him a question.

"Maybe." He said, still staring at my lips.

"Oh really and what might that be?"

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