Chapter 1: Cant Lay Low

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y/n y/l/n pressed her back against the cold brick of the walls of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, a smirk stretching over her lips and a dung-bomb, or as she dubbed it, a shit-grenade clutched in her hand.

The headmistress marched of the stairs towards her, a very angry look on her face.

"You better step out here immediately y/l/n or I'll have you in detention for the rest of your life!!!" Y/n ignored her threats, her tongue sticking out between her teeth as she squinted her eyes and lined up the shot.


her aim was true and in the middle of the staircase the Headmistress found herself covered head to toe in a very gross and bad smelling substance.

Needless to say, the school didn't like y/n very much. But that last prank had pushed them over the edge. The original plan was to simply kick y/n out but that changed when they heard of a much easier option.

Hogwarts, the school in the U.K, was hosting the Triwizard Tournament. Albums Dumbledore had reached out to Ilvermorny asking if they could possibly send a group of students to participate but they had decided to turn down the offer. But not anymore.

Sending y/n was a win win option. If she lost, they would simply expel her and it would be over with. But if she won, well, that would be very good for the school.

And just like that, y/n was sent off to England. Not that she was complaining. Y/n hated Ilvermorny. In fact, she had been desperately been trying to get expelled for years now but they just didn't seem to be getting the hint.

She would have dropped out but because she had no mother or father or any legal guardian to sign off on it and the Government and her orphanage would never agree. But when her Headmistress has told y/n about the Triwizard Tournament and her involvement, she was over joyed.

Because she was the only champion from America there was no way she would not be chosen. And with that in mind, y/n did more studying and practicing then she had ever done for school.

On the way to Hogwarts, y/n had read almost everything about the Triwizard Tournament and learned more spells than she could remember. She was determined to win, both for the money, but also the press and publicity that came with it.

If y/n was a famous young witch that had just won a very difficult tournament she was positive that she could get connections to write a book or biography that would set her up for life. No more Ilvermorny for her.

Y/n leaned back in the car flying towards Hogwarts. Ilvermorny had set her up with a rather large and fancy convertible. It was enchanted to both fly as well as steer itself leaving y/n to relax and partake of the mini bar.

Peering out the window, y/n's eyes scanned over green meadows. The ground moved quickly past her until the clear grass began to get staggered with trees. In no time she was gliding over a forest before she came in view of a huge castle.

Y/n crawled to the front seat, flickering her wand to lower the roof of the car. It moved down and wind hit y/n like a brick. She grinned ear to ear as she touched down, the tires of the car touching the ground gracefully before she grabbed the steering wheel and did a quick donut, just to show off to the many students peering at her from the windows of the school.

The car spun in a circle before it came to a halt and y/n stood, her hair a mess and her cheeks flushed in excitement.

With a quick leap, the y/c/h haired girl vaulted over the door of the car, her eyes flickering over the campus. The students that were out on the grounds when she had arrived gazed at her with wide eyes, to scared and shocked to speak.

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