Chapter 12: The Filler Chapter

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Harry was relieved that y/n had forgiven Ron and smiled at y/n happily.

"thank god. He'll be so happy you forgave him. Let's go back-" y/n gripped Harry's sleeve and pulled him back.

"Nope. I'm gonna let him fester for a bit. Hey, let's raid the food table. That feast was great and all but I'm still staving." Harry nodded, following y/n over to the table and getting a few snacks.

Turning around, he found y/n talking to Neville, laughing happily. His stomach twisted. But luckily his jealousy only lasted a second when y/n left Neville to go back to him.

"Hey Harry, Pooping but not caring about it is actually giving a shit and not giving a shit at the same time." Y/n said out of no where, staring off into space. Harry stood still for a second before he laughed, thanking god y/n had came into his life.

The dance ended a few hours ago and y/n was still awake, sitting in bed and messing with her wand. She often did this before sleeping, doing random charms and spells, practicing just because she could. She did have a whole dorm room to herself after all.

The silence was thick as everyone rested after a night of dancing, even the ghosts were tired. Cedric has been taken to Madam Pomfrey to make sure he didn't have any lasting effects of the love potion he was given and Cho had been given about three months of detention.

Y/n still had no idea that Cedric had been tricked, Draco and Cedric had made sure of that. Only the staff and Cho herself knew of the incident. Draco wasn't about to let y/n know that Cedric was interested in her, and Cedric didn't want y/n to murder Cho like she inevitably would if she knew the truth.

Cedric had tried on many repeated occasions to approach y/n at the Ball but she always seemed to be whisked off by Draco at the last second.

Y/n laid her wand down, snuggling into the covers of her warm Gryffindor bed. Often before she fell asleep she thought about the future. She hoped that she would stay at Hogwarts. She couldn't even imagine going back to Ilvermorny after everything that had happened. Even dropping out of school wouldn't feel right.

The next two months of school went by in a flash for y/n and everyone else. The whole school was eager to get to the second task, and y/n was fully prepared. The only problem she had with the task was not knowing what they were going to take.

Y/n had absolutely nothing. She had only taken her clothes and wand to Hogwarts and she had no valuables being an orphan. She assumed that they would have to just take her hairbrush or something.

It was only a couple weeks away from the second task but another and much harder event was much closer. Valentines Day. Y/n's plan was to go down to Hogsmeed and drink about fifty Butter Beers before buying a shit ton of candy and pigging out for the rest of the night.

Needless to say. It was a little depressing.

Y/n hated Valentines Day more than anything. She dreaded seeing all the couples walking around, all in love and gross. Who needs that? Right?

It was only a day before the dreaded occasion and y/n sluggishly dragged herself to breakfast. Hermione greeted her as always, telling y/n about the gift she was making Victor and how excited she was to see the look on his face.

y/n listened in silence, occasionally grunting in response to anything she asked. Hermione only seemed to notice her awful mood after five minutes of chatter.

"You know y/n, you've been acting weird all morning. What's wrong?" Y/n groaned, dropping her head onto the table with a loud thud.

"Fucking Valentine's Day! I hate seeing couples! In America it was like a fucking porno wherever you turned! You couldn't take two steps without seeming someone with their hand down someone else's pants." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Oh shush. You're just sour because you're single." Y/n made a spluttering noise, still not bothering to lift her head.

"Bullshit! It's because candy is suddenly the same amount of money as a car and my foster parents fucked so loud they shook the house." Y/n growled, finally sitting up and drinking her orange juice like it was a shot. Hermione sighed, shaking her head.

"I can always tell what mood you're in by the amount of sex jokes and curse words you use." She stated, closing the book she had open with a 'snap'. Y/n raised her eyebrows.

"Oh really? What mood is this. Fucking shit bitch pickle dick motherfucker-"

"I get it! Stop!" Hermione yelled, waving her hands in the air. Y/n cracked a tiny smile at her reaction.

"Whatever, it's only a day. Hopefully they just don't go all out on the ugly ass decorations."

Next Day

"what fucking demon throw up over this place?!!" Y/n yelled, staring out over the great hall in shock. Everything was suddenly colored pink. Hearts and confetti fell from the roof in an endless stream and even the light had a pink tint.

"Dear lord." Muttered Hermione, cringing a little as y/n slowly turned on a circle to survey the damage.

"Have I died?! Because this is what my hell looks like!" Y/n screeched, falling to her knees. Hermione pulled the girl back up and dragged her to the table.

"It's not that bad!" She insisted. Y/n sat down, glaring at the heart shaped biscuits that covered almost every inch of the table.

"Morning y/n, Hermione." Greeted Harry and Ron, who sat down across from the two girls. Y/n looked up, staring at them for a few seconds before she spoke.

"Do you want to be my valentine?" She asked. Harry and Ron turned bright red.

"YES!" They exclaimed at the same time before looking at each other.

"which one of us?" Asked Ron, looking back at y/n.

"Both. Im gonna give all my friends a valentine this year, since it's the first year I've ever had friends. Maybe it will make this sad excuse for a holiday better." Y/n said with a smirk. Hermione nudged y/n.

"what about me?" She teased. Y/n sighed, shaking her head.

"Sorry darling, the Author still hasn't decided wether I'm into girls along with boys."

y/n crashed into the Potions classroom, a large heart shaped box clutched on her hands and a smile so wide her face hurt. Snape looked up from his work, his expression falling when he saw the girl.

"what is it now y/l/n?" He demanded. Y/n shuffled up to his desk and placed the box down.

"I got you a gift." She said simply. Snape sighed, placing down his quill and grabbing the gift. Lifting up the top, he peered inside.

y/n's gift appeared to be a bunch of Halloween candy tossed into the box. Y/n grinned happily at Snape's emotionless stare.

"as you can probably tell, I worked super hard on this." She said. Snape placed the gift back down, grabbing his quill and going back to writing.

"Very funny Ms. y/l/n but I have work to do. Don't you have some boy to run off too? Mr. Malfoy perhaps? Or maybe Mr. Diggory." Y/n blinked owlishly, scratching the top of her head.

"Huh? No. I'm just going around giving all my friends valentines gifts. It's the worst day of the year, so why not give people crap to get over it! Single forever!" Y/n said.
Snape looked up, his brows furrowed.

"If you're giving gifts to all your friends, why give one to me?" He asked in a monotone. Y/n wiggled her eyebrows, grinning.

"I think you know the answers baby."

sorry this chapter was so short! I have a load of work to do so I didn't get to work on this book a lot this week. I hope this little filler chapter will hold you over! Love y'all,


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