Chapter 9: Winters Coming

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y/n groaned, dragging her feet across the ground as she walked with Harry, Ron and Hermione towards their next class. The Hogwarts students were going to have dance lessons and Dumbledore had decided y/n would be needing them as well. Y/n had tried to convince him otherwise, but her pleads and threats were all in vain.

Ron glanced at y/n, his face flushing. All he could think about was how he could possibly get a chance to dance with her. Harry did the same, but vision was of the ball. He could imagine her in the must beautiful dress, gliding around the hall with skill and elegance-

"Fuck!!" Harry was pulled from his daze to see y/n on the ground, seemingly to have tripped on air. He sighed. Maybe his dream was a little to far fetched.

The group reached the practice room which was already packed with all the students from Gryffindor old enough to go to the ball. McGonagall shut the door behind the last people and stepped on the middle of the room.

the boys were split to one side while the girls were on the other. Y/n sat next to Hermione, but her attention was caught by two red haired twins in the corner of the room. The three made eye contact and the boys began to gesture for the American to join them.

Y/n looked around, slowly inching towards the wall while McGonagall began to speak.

"The Yule Ball has been a Triwizard Tournament tradition since it's inception. on Christmas Eve night, we and our guests..." McGongall trailed off, her eyes finding y/n's hovering figure. They narrowed a fraction, seeing that she was standing but she looked away. "-Gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school, I expect each and everyone of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is foremost a dance."

The room began to bubble with talking and giggling, giving y/n the perfect chance to slip from the girls area and rush over to Fred and George. She grinned widely at the two, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Hey boys, what do you think about this dance thing? I might just ditch it and pull a few pranks of you're up to it." She said, leaning against the wall. Fred and George looked at each other and than at y/n.

"No can do y/n. We have very special plans for the Ball." Said Fred. Y/n pouted.

"Awe. I'm guessing I'm not your favorite girl anymore." She chided. George flushed, his eyes glancing at his brother.

"That's not-"

"silence!" Yelled Professor McGonagall. "The house of Godrik Gryffindor has commanded respect for almost 10 centuries. I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling bumbling band of baboons!" There was silence until Fred leaned towards y/n, an amused grin on his face.

"Try and say that five times fast." He whispered. Y/n and George opened their mouths at the same time, reciting the phrase as fast as they could. George only lasted halfway through the second time and y/n didn't do very well either.

"Babbling bumbling band of baboons. Babbling bumbling band of baboons. Babbling bumbling bund bub buboons- shit!" Y/n cursed, smiling a little as Fred and George laughed.

"To dance is to let the body breath. Inside every girl, except a few," McGonagalls eyes flickered back to y/n. "A secret swan slumbers, longing to burst forth and take flight. Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepares to prance-Mr. Weasley, will you join me please?" McGonagall stared down at Ron, who looked horrified.

y/n, Fred and George were shaking where they stood, laughter threatening to spill out.

"Please put your right hand on my waist." McGonagall instructed. Ron's eyes flickered over to y/n, who had Fred using her as a support as both nearly died with laughter.

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