1: 1st day

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You were running, smiling in a field of desires. Someone shouted your name " y/n ....". You turned and saw a dashing boy right behind you. He put his hands on your waist and his eyes filled with blue...

"What?" You whispered. He looks into your eyes and said " Beep Beep Beep Beep " you flinch

You woke up and found yourself half on bed and half on the floor. Your alarm clock was making a Beep sound.

You stood up from that uncomfortable position and rubbed your eyes to remove some sleep. you turned off the alarm and open the binds to see the bright sun in the sky whose light was stinging your eyes.

Dragging your feet you step down from the stairs after getting a warm shower and dressing up you entered the living room.
your house was dead silent... where's everybody?!  you move towards the kitchen "MOM!!" You shouted but no one replied. "Mom! I'm hungry. It's my first day at the new session in high school. I don't wanna be late!" You enter the kitchen screaming but saw that it was empty only thing present there was kitchen stuff but no sign of humans.

On the black fridge, you saw a bright neon colored paper with a note written on it.

'Honey! Your father and I have to go to a very important meeting. We will let you know when we will return. I have prepared some sandwiches for you. And best of luck with your day.
Love you

You sigh and took the purple box, in which sandwiches were, out from the fridge. After packing your lunch and getting ready for school you sat at the dining table to have your breakfast.

You were dressed in black jeans, a crop top, a long open shrug on it, and sneakers.


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You saw the notification when your phone screen glow.

hey, are you ready?

Y/N 😘:
yeah. Just having my breakfast.

I'm on my way. Save some food for me too

Y/N 😘:
fine. Then come fast

After several minutes

Jimin enter your house without knocking as it is supposed to be. You both are best friends. Your parents and his parents were friends, when they passed away Jimin became alone but not really since you were always with him to comfort him and he also never left you alone. He was the favorite of your parents from your whole friend group your parents trust him more than anyone and whenever they are away for any business trip they always ask him in to look after you, like you are a five-year-old child .sigh

Jimin threw his motorcycle  keys towards you and you catch them. "where is my food?" He asks you and you just point to one of the tables indicating the sandwich. He grabbed it and took a very big bite and tried to speak something..... which I guess was waiting for me outside or....lachimolala or...tony Montana but sure not carbonara. He finished his food and move out of the door and lock it. You were waiting for him outside and leaning on the motorcycle.

He was walking towards you. You look at him but you were in your own thoughts.  Oh, he is looking amazing in jeans and a shirt. I dunno why I love his smile so much. He looks very cute when he smiles but hell! He looks very hot when he runs his hand through his hair.

Jimin claps his hands in front of your face and you snap back into reality. You notice that he was standing in front of you.
" I know I'm too handsome for you but don't stare like that, we will be late," he said with a smirk on his face and you just roll your eyes. Jimin lean forward and whisper in your ear " but you can stare at me when we are back because I'm here at your home until your parents return"

You just again rolled your eyes at Jimin's words. You both wore your helmets and head to school. You were riding the motorcycle because you are good at it and you only taught him how to ride a motorcycle.

You both entered the school together. Garbing your schedule from the office, you move towards your class satisfied with that Jimin and you are in the same class.

You entered the class and saw Taehyung already sitting there with a bored expression on his face. When he notices you and Jimin he smiled and ran to hug you both " Yay ! we all are in the same class " he cheered.

you all settled at your seats. Jimin and Tae behind you. You took a glance of the classroom you were able to see some familiar faces, you wanted to call them and say hi but then suddenly the teacher enter your class.

The only thing you could whisper was "he's hot'' {A/N: yah pervert Y/N, Y/N: girl I'm going according to you. A/N: .....}

"Settle down everyone," he said waving his hands up and down asking everyone to sit on their respective seats which are never respected. 

"Good morning class. I'm your class teacher for this year and my name is Kim Namjoon"

You could hear girls whispering and admiring his personality which is obvious cause hell!  he is really good.

The teacher continued "So I will be taking your attendance, answer your attendance and give your introduction to the class."

One by one everyone started giving their introduction. It was your chance. As you stood up, the class started whispering "it's Y/N ", "she is here too !! no ", "oh she is cute", "she looks very confident". The voice of boys and girls whispering was reaching your ears. You stood there with a smirk on your face waiting for others to finish.

You finally spoke "Guys I can give my own intro!! Stop whispering "

Your teacher can also hear those sounds ."Class, please let her speak. Young girl speak yourself "
You gave a nod and then turn to speak "Hey everyone . I'm Kim Y/N . Treat me better this time as you know I'm too innocent " you wink at the word 'innocent'.

Jisso shouted from behind "you people can't trouble me now, she's here" and you can't help but giggle.

Namjoon was watching this with wide eyes and a confused face. He turns to you "Y/N are you really that dangerous ?"

You laugh a little "It's not that sir, it's just.. I don't like anyone troubling my friends" after saying, you turn your face into a serious one and look at some old 'enemies', you continue "and I just hate those people who think they are too strong and wise to Bully anyone And I mean anyone" you make a smiley face again "but I am a friendly person, there is nothing to be scared about, till the time you are not troubling anyone " you say it with a smirk.

Namjoon giggled and said, "hmm.....don't get into unnecessary fights in school campus you can fight outside the school" with a smile.

You nodded with giving giggles and then you sat. Everyone continues to give their introduction. 

Hey, thank you for reading.
Hope you will like my story
It's my first attempt so I need your support
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