9: Help

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Jungkook POV

It was a busy day Jungkook tried to talk to Y/N multiple times but every time someone interrupts in between or he gets too nervous to say anything.

The day came to an end. Jimin, Y/N, and Jungkook were standing outside the school and talking about random stuff. Hoseok, Taehyung, and Yoongi already left because they had some work to do.

"Hey Y/N listen," Jungkook said while looking at her.


A car gave a horn and stops near them.

"Dad!" Y/N notice that her father was in the driving seat.

"Hey, sweetheart...I came here to pick you" he told Y/N and the turn to the boys.

"Hey Jimin, hey Jungkook" he gave a little wave to them and smile.

"Hello, Mr. Kim" they both greeted together.

"So nice of you dad, you came here to pick-" Y/N pause in between her sentence. "Wait..... You both know each other" she pointed at her father and then Jungkook.

"Of course ... I know him .... He helped me once in Busan. Remember I talked about a boy?" he immediately replies to her daughter and eye Jungkook

"I don't remember anything like that but continue... And?" Y/N gave a questioning look. "What continue?" Mr. Kim shrugs. "And you are not surprised that I know him," Y/N asks.

"I saw him with Tae, Hoseok, and Yoongi this morning. So I thought you must know him and maybe he is also one of your Mains like Jimin and Tae" (Mains- main people in the friend circle). Jungkook blushed a little at the word main but again turn to his unreadable expressions.

"Fine, it's good that I don't have to introduce you to my father" Y/N turns to Jungkook

"Let's go home .... Come on, get inside... oh and Jungkook you also come, I'll drop you" Mr. Kim spoke and waved his hands to himself asking to get inside the car.

Jimin moves around the car, he went and sat on the passenger seat beside Mr. Kim. Y/N jumped to the back seat.

"Actually ...I" Jungkook gave a shy smile and scratched the back of his neck.

Suddenly he felt a pull and he landed at the back seat. He found that it was Y/N who pulled him. She was pouting like a child. "Don't try to give an excuse every time". She hooked her hand around Jungkook's arm to ensure he wouldn't run away. She turned to her father "we will not drop Jungkook but straight go home. I want to spend some fun time with my mains" she announces.

"Okay daughter" her father winks her through the mirror.

Jungkook sense it "you are really frank with your father" he whispered to her. "Yeah, my father is like my best friend... One of 'mains' just like you and Jimin. And yes don't get jealous of him, he is always on the top of the mains, I love him the most" you reply to him. Your father starts laughing followed by Jimin and Jungkook.


You all were playing UNO in your living room. Your mother was in the kitchen and Jin was helping her.

"UNO!!" your father exclaimed.

All three of you looked at him with wide eyes.

And the next second "I won!!" he shouted in excitement. You all exchange glances.

"Y/N come here, I need to talk to you." Your father gets up and went into a room. You nodded and followed him, leaving Jimin and Jungkook confused.

You enter the room and close the door behind you and it made a 'thud' sound

Jungkook POV

The sound of the door snaps him. Jimin thought that it was a chance. "hey Jungkook, what's up?" he asked him.

Jungkook gave a confused look at the certain question.

"Don't give me that look I know you are trying to say something to Y/N since morning but fail to do it. Tell me, maybe I can provide you with some help." Jimin confront Jungkook

Jungkook's eyes light up. He saw hope in Jimin. He can help me...

"Okay, Jimin listen carefully, I'm trying to tell Y/N that I -um- I really-"

"Like her?" Jimin cuts Jungkook.

Jungkook just nodded at him.

"I knew it" Jimin smirk and Jungkook was silently looking at him.

"Don't worry I will help you" he give a smile to Jungkook who smiled back.

"For you both, as I also know that she also likes you" Jungkook eyes grew wide at Jimin's words.

"Yeah she does, she didn't tell me in words but the way she looks at you, the way she smiles when someone takes your name. It all tells me that she feels the same way." Jungkook's smile grew wider on Jimin words

"I will help you" Jimin pat Jungkook shoulder.

No one's POV

It was a dark room on a table some papers and photos were laying

"I can't believe, you are asking me to work for those assholes." A person speaks from one edge of the table who was talking a close glare at the documents.

"It's not WORK, just a little 'help' and this 'help' can benefit you in future and yes.... I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, ordering you, commanding you to do this". There was a lot of terror-filled in the voice of this person who was sitting on the opposite side of the table.

The other person gulped and give a nod to the terrifying person and again starts looking at the photographs which contain a figure of a young high schoolboy.

A/N: hey..... Thank you so much for your support. Please keep supporting me by giving votes and comments. Please share and recommend my story to others...

Love ya'll ;)

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