21: I am....

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You were in a group hug but you didn't realize until someone accidentally pressed hard on your elbow.

You gave a cry in pain. Everyone back off and you saw drops of blood on the floor draining out from your elbow.

Jimin guides you to a chair and everyone surrounded you.

"We all saw what happened, but this not the time for questions, we should take them to the hospital first." Taehyung raised his voice in that awkward silence.

Everyone nod to him. Your elbow and edge of your lips were bleeding. You look at everyone and found that Jisso was really scared, Max's face looked like he is trying hard to understand what just happened, Taehyung Jimin and Jungkook were staring at you with soft and worried eyes.

Jungkook was also injured. He had bruises on his arms and his face.

"We should go to the hospital" Jimin got up from his place followed by Jisso and Max and Tae. Jungkook helped you to get up and he walked beside you.

Your father's car was standing outside which Jimin parked. It was an SUV so there was enough room for all of you. Jimin on the driver seat, Taehyung beside him on the passenger seat, Jisso and max behind them, and Jungkook and you at the last.

The ride was silent but your mind was not. Millions of questions rush through your brain you look out of the window, falling into your thoughts.

I checked the bullets two were missing, but the bullet which short Baekhyung was not from my gun. I never shot him but then who did?? Only one bullet was shot at him, I didn't pull the trigger but then where are my two bullets. Did I really kill him, no, I never aim at his heart to kill him, and I aimed at his shoulder or arm so that he just gets badly injured? I never killed anyone. Yeah maybe injured many to death but not kill, not even Baekhyung, it was someone else, look like someone behind me, from the window which was behind me. I felt something move over my shoulder beside my ear someone shot from behind, one trained Shooter, a sniper. I also tried to look back but Jimin caught me in his embrace......

For a second I thought he is preventing me from looking behind. I also saw some shadow under the door which was in front of me and behind Baekhyung and Jimin came out of it... like he was waiting for the correct moment to get in.... is there something I don't know?

You look at Jimin from the rear mirror his face was filled with too much Innocence, eyes locked at the road, worried expression. Nope!! He can't plan all this... don't overthink... be concerned about what will happen now? What are you going to say to them?

{Play 'make it right' for background music ;)if you wish}

You speak to yourself in mind. Your expression was turning from serious to worry. You felt someone squeezing your hand, you turn to look at it. It was jungkook's hand you look up to Jungkook and he gave you his smile noticing your confused and worried face.

"Y/N, remember? I promised you.... promised to be at your side in every circumstance, I am with you. Everything will get all right. I will make it right. We will reach the hospital in some time." smile was not leaving his face. You nodded and rest your head on his shoulder after giving a small smile.

it seems like this guy doesn't care about what just happened, about my sudden action and that I killed a person which I didn't but it seems like I've killed, with my gun, he doesn't care about anything but me.

Am I so much important to him it makes me feel guiltier? I love him so much that I can't let him be in danger by telling him the whole truth.

"Y/N..." he speaks again and you 'hmm' in response. He turned to face you and he held both your hands "I love you y/n" he said in a low voice so that only you could hear him.

First, you had a shocked expression but it turned into a bright one and you realize what he said. You were clear in your mind that this time you will not refuse but say those words back. You were so sure you remove your hand and cup his cheek with it; you nod and said "I love---"

"Will you people get out or not" someone cut use your sentence and you look towards the person. You thought it must be Jimin again as every time he interrupts your activities with Jungkook. But it was Max.

You realize that the car has stopped in front of the hospital door as you reach the hospital. Taehyung and Jimin were far from talking with the doctor.

"The doctor is waiting for you. You can talk after your medical. Now move your lazy ass, come on" he says again.

You look at Jungkook and he gave a nod that 'we should go to the hospital first'

You hop out of the car and notice that the place was weird and the hospital looked like in the middle of the woods. when you get inside the nurse and doctor rush to you and Jungkook, taking you both in different directions for treatment. It took approx 45 minutes the bandaging him and giving some medicine and advice but it took more than an hour with you.


You are walking towards the waiting area where Taehyung, Jisso, Jimin, Max, and Jungkook were sitting.

You went and sat beside Jungkook. His condition was looking better than before. You both smiled at each other and he asked about your condition. You give a nod which indicates that you are fine.

You turn to him to complete your words which were interrupted by max.

"Kookie..." he turned to you with a smile because he knew that this time you will not reject him. "I L---"

Before you could complete the sentence you found that not only one or two but three people jumping on you and Jungkook to hug you.

You were in a group hug again and when you pull out you saw a worried expression on Namjoon, Grumpy angry on Yoongi, and caring on Hoseok, looking at you and Jungkook.

They all settled in a circle around you both and start throwing tons of questions only asking about your bruises and wounds at you and Jungkook.

You ask them to calm down and answer the questions one by one.

Jisso asked cutting every question after some time "boys, that's not the main thing we witnessed, there's something more serious...and Y/N from where did you get a gun from? And we also saw you killing Baekhyung, shooting him right into his chest, and what he was talking about? That we don't know you... I mean who you are then.....?"

Everyone looked at you like they also want the answer to this question. You were silent at her question. You felt your palms becoming sweaty and you gulp harshly.

"We want answers Y/N" Jisso spoke again.

"See guys...-" you speak "-I must look like a confident, strong, straightforward and dangerous kinda person but I am way too much that."

"Come on Y/N it's not like you are a Gangster or something" Max give a little giggle full of sarcasm

"What if I tell I am...." you eye them with seriousness and there was no chance that you're joking.

Everything grew silent.....



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