2: Spark

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It was, your favorite time, break time. You were standing in corridor, leaning against the cold mettle lockers, waiting for Jimin and Taehyung. the corridor was filled with kids, two boys passed by you running . You ignored them but they pushed a boy who was walking ,the boy fell down with his bag in the other way .

You ran towards him and stood between the two boys and the other boy who is on the floor. You spread your hands in air in a blocking position.

as you glared at the naughty boys in front of you, you noticed that one of the two boys was familiar to you. "hey Jackson, troubling another person. when will you leave your habit of bullying ? I think you forgot our last conversation. Seems your wounds heal fast. Want some fresh ones?" You narrow your eyes, Aish this kid is not going to improve.....

Jackson took few steps back dragging the other guy with him who is losing balance because of the drag

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Jackson took few steps back dragging the other guy with him who is losing balance because of the drag. . Jackson whispered in other's ear "Baekhyun let's go.... don't mess with her, she and her friends are strong. It's better to stay in good terms with her".

You could listen him whispering and sense some fear in his voice "I think you should listen to Jackson ,Baekhyun.. is that your name?" They just give a nod to you .

"so bye buddy see you later" you wave to Jackson and the other guy

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"so bye buddy see you later" you wave to Jackson and the other guy . They left without exchanging any words.

You Turn to see that the boy was still on the floor.
" Are you okay?" you ask him giving your hand
"Hm..thank you" he took your hand
You were not able to see his face as the strands of his hair covered his eyes and his face was hung low.

When he was fully on his feet,you noticed that the boy was none less than a perfect MAN!, you look up at him ,your eyes met and you could feel something sparkle. wow

You both got freeze ,still holding hands. You feel like something clicks between you . His doe eyes staring you softly, noticing every feature of your face, with a small invisible smile formed on his lips which look so delicate, the strands of his ebony hair softly brushed his forehead, as a soft breeze came his hair danced messing his coconut haircut. so adorable ....

{A/N: hey! why do I feel time is going in slow motion?... um whatever..}

Both of you were admiring each other without exchanging any words.


Your phone vibrates in your pocket which snaps you both into reality.

You blinked for few times and realised what was happening, this is so awkward , both of you gave a nervous laughter and started looking here and there in a shy manner.

You spoke to start the conversation and mainly to remove the awkwardness "hey I am Y/N and you......" you dragged the u for him the complete.

"Jungkook" he replied "Thanks for saving me from them but... mm.. aren't you scared of those guys?!" he ask you.

You giggle a little and said "I think..mm... they are scared of me?"
You both laugh a little, still feeling shy
There was a moment of silence for some seconds. more awkwardness...>_<


Your phone vibrated again, making you look at it .

hey meet us at the canteen. We all will be there

dude where are you? Is everything okay?

you ignore the text and look up to Jungkook again.

"by the way if they trouble you again just take my name" you said to him

"ok ...seems good" he say and show his bunny teeth.

"so I was going to the café, mm.. did you have your lunch?" you ask him

"no actually I was going to the headmistress office"

"Kay then I will go to café my friends are waiting there for me"

Cough cough....

"but I am waiting here for you so that you people can end your weird conversation and we can have our food" a voice came.

You turn your face to find the source of voice and you saw Jimin standing there with the smirk.

You were so busy in conversation, no, awkward conversation with jungkook that you didn't realise Jimin was standing there.

You look at him with a confused face.

"What?! you were not replying my text ,so I came in search for you and found you with this unfamiliar guy" he said with 'im offended' face.

You and jungkook look at each other and a smile came to your face automatically.

"Shall we go Y/N" jimin interrupted.

"Yeah ..I think we should go" you answer him

"and I think for that, you both have to leave each others hands" Jimin point a finger towards your hands.

you both remove your hands immediately with giggling nervously.

His bunny smile caught your eyes and his side was not ready to leave your sweet smile.

"by the way I am jimin" jimin turn to Jungkook and interrupts your eye talk again.
"I am jungkook" jungkook bow to Jimin

"let's go Y/N " Jimin Said grabbing you from shoulder.

"bye" you give a little wave to jungkook .

"hope we meet again" jungkook say to you.

both of you smile and start walking in opposite direction.

he sooooo cute OMG what is this

Jungkook POV

when he turned to walk towards the office, he could only think of her
"beautiful" he whisper to himself

he turn his face and saw Y/N was also turning her face. Both smile at each other and Y/N turned to look forward . Suddenly jimin turn his face.
Jungkook and Jimin nod at each other..

Jungkook and Jimin nod at each other

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A/N: hey .....
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