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When we walked down. I gently touched my cheek with my free hand. It was still wet with tears. I decided to ignore it though. We got into our cars.

After finishing our schedules we were supposed to go back home but I wanted to stay at practice a little longer. The members and managers we're nice and agreed to let me stay. I continued to practice when my phone rang. I answered it quickly. "Hello," I answered. "Is this Wen Junhui?" A female voice asked. "Yes, and this is?" I asked. "My name is classified. I just wanted to say that you should go kill yourself since your such a worthless freak." the girl laughed. "I'm going to soon anyway." I remarked. "Oh really. You should do it now. " She insisted. "I need to say goodbye to my members before I die." I said. "They don't care about you," she said, her voice sounded so familiar. "What's your name?" I asked. "Lee Choonhee," She said. "You-Your Vernon's ex-girlfriend " I exclaimed. "Not anymore. We got back together" she said. "There's no way in hell Vernon would break up with Seungkwan. Especially not for you" I insisted. "Who said they broke up? But this is off the subject. All I know is that you should go kill yourself. Not like Minghao cares about you anyway. " She said. "Minghao does care about me, I think." I whispered. "Jun, how about you do us all a favor. And go on the roof and jump." she hissed before hanging up.

I grabbed 12 pieces of paper and a pen. I sat down on the practice room floor and started to write my goodbye to the 12 people I call family. I went and grabbed 6 more pieces of paper. For those from CYZJ. I left all the letters on the practice room floor. Minghao and 5 of the CYZJ letters we're written in Chinese. The other members and Samuel's were written in Korean. I grabbed a sharpie and went to the part on the wall that said. SEVENTEEN practice room. Underneath the words, I wrote something in Chinese. 對不起 <3 十七. And on the place where Minghao always puts his drink I wrote, 爱你明浩. I set the letters up in a heart shape. Hey, If I'm going to leave. I'm going to leave in a big way.

I grabbed the rooftop keys and started walking upstairs, what Choonhee said really got to me. It was just too much. I made it up to the rooftop. I sat down on the flat roof. I started to think. About everything. About how Minghao does care about me, right? He does. He does. I went back to the practice room and picked up the letters. What was I thinking? I deserve to die, but Minghao doesn't deserve to lose me. I walked back to the dorms. I opened the door to find an angry Minghao. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked irritated. "Tell you what?" I asked. A tear ran down his face, "THAT YOU CHEATED ON ME" he yelled. "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT IDEA?" I yelled back. "SOMEONE SENT ME A PHOTO OF YOU KISSING YANAN" he yelled crying. "Minghao, I never kissed Yanan" I insisted. "Don't lie to me, Wen Junhui" He cried showing me a photoshopped photo of me and Yanan kissing. "Haohao, that is photoshopped. " I said grabbing his hand. "JUST GO DIE FOR ALL I CARE DON'T LIE TO ME" He yelled. That one sentence all the members understood. "Come on, Minghao. You don't mean that" Joshua said. "He wouldn't say it if he didn't mean it, Joshua Hyung," I said running out the door.

I dropped all the letters outside of the dorm door and ran to the street outside the dorms. I stood there for a second. Then I heard Seungcheol yell my name and I ran in front of a car. 11 boys were standing there shocked and scared. And the 12th boy, Dino. He ran into traffic with me and tried to pull me out of the way. I pushed Dino onto the sidewalk. The car didn't stop.

 The car didn't stop

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"NO NO NO. JUNHUI I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT" Minghao cried out. The car continued driving. All of my members were crying, even Vernon. But I didn't cry. I somehow crawled over to the bike lane. They had called an ambulance. When I was getting in the ambulance I noticed that there was one more person with them. Samuel. "Sammy" I whispered.

The world went black.

"Wake up, Minghao."

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