Happily ever after.

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4 years later.......

Ming's POV

I woke up as the sunshine beamed happily upon my face, as I turned around I saw the face I have always cherished and still do. P'Kit sleeping peacefully beside me, I traced my hands across his face gently and slightly pinched his lips causing him to wake up as I place a peck on his lips.

"Hey." P'Kit mumbles wrapping his arms and legs around me . His scent intoxicating me as I breathe in.

"P'Kit, are you ready for today?"

"I have always waited for this day, how can I not be ready."

"Then let me go because if our families get to know that I am here before the wedding, they will kill both of us."

"Hmmmm......then go now. We will see each other in the evening.......as husbands.." P'Kit says while blushing.

I kiss him and head towards my home.

"Ming, where have you been? Have you been with Kit?" My mom pulls my ears.

"Owww....mom. I just wanted to calm him as he was a little nervous about today." I lied to my mom , actually it was me who badly wanted to see P'Kit.

"I know you too much to believe these stupid lies of yours. Go, get inside and start to get ready. Such irresponsible kids you both are. Wait let me call Kit's mom as well ."

"Mom, please don't call his mom. It was not him who called me, it was me who went to see him. He didnt even know I was coming but then he let me stay after my countless begging."

"Fine, I won't call his mom. Now you go and start to get ready."

The whole day went by doing arrangements and getting ready and all. As the evening started to descend I smiled thinking of P'Kit. I just couldn't wait to see him walking towards the aisle.

"Ming, P'Kit has arrived and he is in the other villa." Wayo came by, jumping in excitement.

"Really? Oh! I cant wait to see him." I said excitedly. Goosebumps crawling all over me.

"Hey, have some patience man." Wayo said.

"You shut up, do you remember how nervous and excited you were at your own wedding. Don't you preach me on patience "

Wayo blushed as he remembered his own wedding . He was so excited and impatient that he almost ran to the aisle seeing his P'Pha.

"Fine, I wont preach you, you are cruel." Wayo pouted .

"Ming, son. Are you ready?" My mom came and as soon as she saw me she hugged me and I could hear her sniff.

"Oh! my son . It's your wedding day yet I still see you as that cute little child who used to follow me around ."

"Mom, I am grown up now. " I said patting her back

"I know, honey. My son is getting married today, I cant even believe ,yet here you are. I wish all the happiness to you and your soon to be husband. Now let's go."

My mom dragged me to the hall and then gave me the last touch up as she led me into the wedding hall, full of guests anticipating my entry.

All of our friends and relatives were present from both P'Kit's and my side. I slowly walked towards the aisle and stood there waiting for my P'Kit.

The moment he entered the hall, no one could take their eyes off of him so I was no exception. I stood there gaping at him as he walked glamorously towards me in his black tuxedo , a rose decorated in his breast pocket, his complexion a perfect blend of smooth white skin with the tinge of red due to his blushing.

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