Chapter Seven- Kinda Saw That Coming

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I kinda always knew this was gonna happen somehow and I do not regret it, unlike how I thought it would end up, since Isabelle forced me to go to the park today, and I almost refused. When someone comes in between me and my video games I usually tell them to get lost, or go jump down a bottomless pit, or something in that line of insults. Since I was forced out of my basement, and my game system, I went to the park, since there I could at least play on my tablet in peace, better some electronic than none, of course I had to sneak that out of my house. Isabelle watches me like a hawk, or a slightly traumatized mutant rat, it depends. At the park I sat on the bench near a bush, and I was about to unlock my tablet when I hear somebody familiar coming my way. Of course I wanted to get away as soon as possible because then there would be evidence that I snuck my tablet out and even worse, an eye witness!!!! Before I knew it he screamed "SPIDER!! SPIDER!!!!!" like a total MANIAC and fell right on my lap. "What?! Logan WHAT are you doing here?!,"I said extremely loud that I think people were disturbed, "I thought you hated me." "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! MUFFIN!!!!!! My bros have told me scary stories about you killing people and now I'm scared!!!!!!,"Logan panicked, frantically waving his arms around he could've slapped himself. "What?!?!? No I don't, I don't kill people!!!!!", I responded back. Now we were just yelling and screaming weirdos at a park at noon, basically two screaming maniacs with one waving his hands around and the other looking like she just saw a ghost. After a while we calmed down."Wait what? I don't hate you, I never did," Logan answered. Then Logan asked me the most random question ever, "Do you like video games??". "Yeah, why??"I asked. "Oh I wanted to ask you," Logan answered. "I've never seen Muffin being nice to one of the bros before", Vanessa whispered behind that bush I mentioned earlier, thinking that I can't hear her or feel her breathing down my neck while eavesdropping. "Vanessa!!!!, stop spying!!!! Muffin can do what she wants", whisper-shouted Stefanie, yet another one of my sisters spying on what I don't want them to eye witness, see?? this is why I don't do stuff. "You're going to get their attention", shouted back Vanessa, and they got our attention from the minute they started following us, they are so creepy.

Next Logan and I went around the park, with, of course the whack-o, also known as Vanessa, at our tail. The park was super close to the mall and the movies and restaurants surrounding the parking lot, we went there since we thought we would loose Vanessa in the California crowd. Next Logan suggested we go to the movies, since it's dark in here and Vanessa won't be able to find us, so we did. I thought the day couldn't get any worse, with my snoopy older sister at my tail, and this being awkward and all because I used to "hate" Logan, well kind of, well I kinda did. Actually, that was a big lie. I have problems. At the movies we were about to go into the theater when we realized that Max Smiles, Mackenzie's younger twin and Kyle's cousin, was the person who you gave the tickets to, and I guess he was really confused. Max was a horrible worker, so horrible he didn't even take our tickets, but ripped them up and told us to wander into any movie you choose, so I just followed Logan. After a few minutes we were pushed into a movie by a security guard, I can never get that image out of my head. We got pushed into some romance movie, which made me super uncomfortable. Vanessa got pushed into the movie with us and started peaking over my shoulder saying things she knew would creep me out. Honestly I was scared to look.

After like two hours of horror, we all got out of the movie with the most sickening faces that we got kicked out of the theater for not having a "good attitude" which was unfair to Logan because he always had a good attitude. Anyway, after that we went to the Dancing Izzy's which I did not want because whenever I go there with my family, Isabelle chews with her mouth open and has braces and a top expander so chicken gets stuck in her braces and expander and when she drinks from her straw she leaves BACKWASH in the straw, and if she has a water bottle then you can see the chicken chunks in the water. That's why I can't stand going anymore, but I had to today, and it was TORTURE, the only good part was ice cream. Not to mention VANESSA sat with us. I can't get just one break without her since she moved here, sometimes, I'm not so sure about her.

When we got back to my house, Vanessa was freakishly already there and gave us trivia questions. Of course I said bye to Logan then when he wasn't looking I attacked Vanessa and locked her in the basement where she gets bad internet connection. Boom!!:)

During all this, Jessica and Dylan were friends and I didn't even KNOW. Like I'm supposed to be the mad shipper, like shipping Dylan and Jessica. Their ship name could be "Jessi-Poo", since sometimes we call Dylan "Dillipoo". I overheard that Jessica of all people took Dylan HORSE BACK RIDING!!!!!!!, I mean like WHY??!?!?!?!?!?!? I asked Jessica why she even thought about that, since she's all about, you know, injuring Dylan. "I only did that so when I pushed him off the horse, he would get a head injury," Jessica said. I believe that's a twisted lie just to cover up why she actually did it.

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