Meeting his friends!

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A/n: Those are gonna be shorter than usual since I'll prob do it in a different way this time!


-He was really excited for you 4 to meet.
-You're kinda shy, but all of them are so soft, cinnamon buns you love them in 2 seconds.
-Killua: He's very careless and he doesn't trust you at first, but after seeing how you treat Leorio and the other he becomes softer and treats you like one more.
-Kurapika: He's afraid you would hurt his friend. He knows about Leorio's feelings and keeps and eye on you, but just like Killua, he sees how you both interact and he feels so relieved, it's so obvious you like him back, although Killua didn't notice this. They both think you give good, innocent vibes.
-Gon: best friends in 2.0 seconds. He's so excited Leorio has a girl friend (just friends, not dating yet), and that they now have a girl in the group. He likes to watch you draw random stuff and give you pretty things to draw.
-You adore them.
-They adore you.
-Happy fam.
-Kurapika is The Mom™ so you end up looking for his advice to confess to Leorio, after all he's who knows your dork best.
-Kurapika is:so done with how oblivious you two are, not noticing you like each other.
-Killua and Gon like to play with your hair, braiding it and stuff while you draw.
-Warm hugs everytime you see each other.
-It's just so fun to hang with the 4 of them.
-You've never felt so loved in a group of friends.
-Killu and Gon are your kids and you will attacc to protecc them both.
-Long talks with Pika about your worries, you can always call him or text him when you need to go out and just clear your mind. He gives the best advices so you find yourself asking him a lot of things when you doubt what to do, in all kinds of situations.
-Going to museums with Pika.
-Tag you're it with Gon and Killu.
-Pajama parties are the best.
-Killu always beats your ass at videogames.
-Honestly they're just your best friends now too.


A/n: This is really similar to Leorio's since they basically have the same little group of friends, so I'm only writing Leorio's interactions

-He is a little bit flirty with you at first.
-He quickly notices Kurapika has the biggest crush ever and stops.
-He becomes the dork you can't always rely on.
-Feeling blue? Just call your personal clown.
-You help him study.
-The forever loyal friend, whatever you need he's there for you.
-He's basically your dad friend. He even tells dad jokes.
-Wants to adopt you.
-You both like to just chill with some beer, talking about everything and nothing, it goes from personal stuff, to philosophy, to asking yourselves if ducks have ears (obviously drunk. Stop).
-You talk with him about how much you like his friend, and he talks to you about the girls thar reject him and call him ugly. Love drama queen and king.
-Despite everything said before, he will really beat someone's asses if they hurted you, you're one of his best friends.
-Call him with a breakdown, it can be 4:30am, he will go to whenever you're at, hug you and listen to everything you need to let out.
-The sweetest best friend relationship, you trust him so much.
-He is your personal spy, you use him to know stuff about Pika with out him knowing (for future surprises).


A/n: Hisoka isn't here, as I don't count him as a friend or a real troupe member, they're kinda like a family but with Hisoka nope nope. Sorry! I also didn't wrote your relationship with Bonolenov since I didn't know how it would be :(. Btw they're "acting" like normal people. Remember reader thinks they're bodyguards and completely normal humans. They also know Shal is in love with you, that's the point of the whole acting.

-He introduces you to the whole Troupe. Ofc without you knowing who they really are.
-It's weird how normal they look if they want.
-You're a little bit scared of Franklin, Bonolenov and Kotorpi, and Feitan gives you weird vibes.

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