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I love this part. I hope you do to and I had a whole lot of fun writing this. Well I hope you enjoy-Aria

El's POV

"Ugh stop crying!" I tried to make Ava stop. I took my eyes off the road to look at the crying baby in the backseat. We were going shopping. Well I was. I loved to shop. It was more fun with Max though. But she was busy today. They moved a few weeks ago into a new house. I saw the shop I wanted to go into and bought an outfit. We got back into the car and drove to a coffee shop. I needed coffee today. I was not in a good mood and I was tired. The best excuse for coffee. I got out of the car and went to the little shop where I saw something that broke my heart. My very own Mike Wheeler hugging some blonde. I felt the exact way I felt when I thought he was cheating with Max the first time I saw her. I remember it like it was yesterday. I had escaped the cabin and went to the Hawkins middle school to tell Mike I was alive. As I did I saw him and Max on a skate board. I flew her off and left immediately. It was childish back then but now? My very own husband was cheating on me? I got back in the car and went home. I would not spend one night under the same roof as a cheater. We got home and I sat Ava in her crib as I packed some of her clothes in a bag. I was going to spend the night with Max. She wouldn't mind. After all, we're friends, and a friend is someone you do anything for. I then went to our room and I packed a few outfits. I grabbed Ava and her backpack and was halfway out the door when I ran into the cheater for a husband I had. "Hey hey hey, where you going?" He asked laughing and bent down to give me a kiss. I turned my head so he got the cheek. "I know I ate the last eggo this morning but..." I rolled my eyes. "Oh please. I saw you and that dumb blonde hugging. I have never seen her before and," I felt a tear fall from my eye. "She was so pretty. So much prettier than me." Mikes eyes widened. "What? No! I'm not cheating and El, your the most beautiful woman in the world." My heart wanted to believe him but what if he was lying? "Then who is she and why were you with her?" I asked in a cold tone. "Look El. We can't live in our apartment forever. And with Ava and our new dog, we can't live here forever. And the house next to max and Lucas's is for sale. She was our realtor and she's helping us buy it. It was not settled yet I wanted you to see it but, it's so pretty and don't you want something that's ours? Something that we can call ours? Something that has a back yard that Ava can play in? Something that we don't have to pay rent. It has a pool, a big fenced in back yard, and it even has a barn. We could get horses or something!" Mike said with his foolish grin on his face. I laughed. "I can't imagine leaving our apartment. It's become like home. But I know, and the house sounds amazing. Mike, in so sorry I thought you were cheating on me. I should have known you wouldn't do that it's just, I saw you hugging her and I left. I'm so sorry." I felt another tear fall down my check. "El don't cry." He said hugging me. "I should have told you. I'm so stupid." He laughed. "No your not." I said putting my hand on his cheek. "Your my mike." I said smiling and giving him a kiss. I laughed.

*Few days later*
El's POV*

Today we were going to look at the house that we might buy. I would hate to leave our cozy apartment but I knew Mike was right. We couldn't live here forever. Mom was gonna come and watch Ava while we looked at the house. I didn't like new houses. I liked old ones. It meant they had a story. "Hey you ready to go?" Mike asked running down the stairs. "Yeah." I replied a little sad. We had been through everything together in this apartment. And it may be small but it was perfect for us. We rode the elevator down the the ground level in silence and the same when we got in the car. We drove there with not a word coming out of our pursed lips. We were not mad but we were just sad to leave. We were not for sure leaving. I mean if we did it would be cool to move next to Max. We finally arrived and it was a pretty house. It had beautiful landscaping. And a huge front porch. Mike was right I was already in love with the big beautiful house that stood in front of us. We got out of the car and met the realtor that I had called a word I usually didn't say. "Hi. I'm El." I said shaking her hand still not sure about her. "Hi I'm Jackie." She said shaking my hand. "You two ready to see the house?" She asked in a high pitch voice I hated. "Yep." Mike said. We walked in and it was even prettier than I imagined. It had a beautiful living room and kitchen. We walked upstairs and there was a big room to the right. It would be mine and Mikes. We walked a little further down the hall and saw another room that would be Ava's. And then on the left there was a room that would be a guest room for anyone who stayed here over night. There was a bathroom at the end of the hall upstairs and there was a bathroom downstairs. We walked back downstairs and there was an office for Mike when he wrote. We walked into the kitchen and it was huge. We walked out of the kitchen and we saw a dining room for thanksgiving. This was definitely the house. It was beautiful, it fit us perfectly, and was the right price and size. When we walked out side there was a pool and a fenced in back yard. It had a lot of acres. Mike was right it would be kinda cool to get horses. Out of the blue I started laughing at that thought. "I'm sorry is something funny?" Jackie asked in a hatful tone. "Sorry no it's not the house I'm just-" I was cut off by my laughing and mike saving me. "She's laughing because it's really pretty." Mike lied not even knowing why I was laughing. Jackie nodded suspiciously. "So it has a a huge backyard with 45 acres. My eyes widened. How much was this house? Was it why Mike was not telling me? Was it to expensive? "It would be a lot more but the owners need to sell it considering they already bought the new one." Jackie said. Well at least it wasn't to much money. "Can we think about it over the weekend?" Mike asked. "Of course just get back to me on Monday." Jackie said turning off he lights in the house and locking the doors. She got in her car and left. "What do you think?" Mike asked. "I love it." I told him. "Should we buy it? I mean we're out of college so we can live as far away as we want. And it's right beside Max and Lucas's. How crazy is that?" Mike asked. I laughed. "I love it and if you think that we buy it I agree." I smiled. So it was settled. We were moving away from our little apartment. But this house was beautiful. It didn't matter where we lived. We just needed to be together. I was excited and I hugged the happy Mike. We hugged and I felt so happy not to be mad at him. I should have known he wasn't cheating. He was Mike and I was El. We were soulmates. That was our story and it would never change.

So what did ya think? Tell me on the comments and there should be a new part up either later tonight or tomorrow. Hopefully lol schools hard. Ily and thx for reading. -Aria

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