Talya Comes To Town

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El's POV

"Ok, math didn't look like that in my day." I laughed at Ava. She had math that looked impossible. Yes she was only 5 but I was almost sure the teacher had mixed up and given her the wrong homework. "Why don't you ask Sarah when she comes over?" I suggested and went to the fridge to make dinner. Mike has to stay late at work to finish a book he was working on and Lucas, well Max never said why Lucas wasn't home. Since the two men were busy I invited Max and Sarah over for dinner. Something I thought we should do more often. "We're having chicken for dinner so don't ruin your appetite." I warned the brown headed girl who was scarfing down chips. "Lola!" She yelled for our 6 and half year old dog. We had gotten her just a year and a half before Ava was born. Lola was a beautiful, Labrador retriever. As soon as the golden colored dog arrived in the kitchen Ava dumped the bag in the floor which the Middle aged dog gladly took. "Doggies are always hungry." She said and I laughed. Just as I put the chicken in the oven Max barged in, with a much smaller Sarah pacing to keep up. Max held Sarah's hand, and in her other was a letter. "El!" She yelled and I heard the girls giggling about something girls their age did. Something probably about school. "What?" I asked and she stepped I the kitchen holding up the letter. "Read it!" She yelled practically shoving it into my hands. I read it aloud so she could know what line I was on at every moment. It must've been important whatever it was.

"Dear Maxine," I read aloud the first part but she made a noise and shuddered. I knew she hated that name. Whoever it was called her that. Who in the world would call her Maxine? I cleared my throat before starting again.

"Dear Maxine,

I am coming to town this Saturday. I was hoping we could see each other soon! Maybe you, your husband, and Mike, and I could all go out to dinner some night. Call me when you get this so we can work out the details.

Love Talya, xoxo 💋"

I shrugged not knowing why she was upset. "And?" I asked and her jaw dropped to the floor. "Talya!" She yelled at me. "Talya Martian!" As she said it a few memories came back. "Terrible Talya?" I asked and she nodded. She got her name by literally stalking Mike. She always tried to steal him away from me in high school. "Ok, well I'm sure she has grown out of that now." I said as I snapped out of my awful daze. "Mhm, then why did she invite Mike and not you?" She asked and I thought about it a while but I finally came to a solution. "She probably don't know we're married. She never was my friend anyway." I said as I handed her the letter. "Okkkkkk." She said as she extended the k sound uneasily. "But if I were you I would go. I wouldn't let that viper get her way. Remember? She almost broke up you and Mike by spreading rumors saying they kissed." Max reminded me. I remember that day like it was yesterday.


I had just arrived at school looking
for Mike when I saw everyone whispering and pointing to me in the hallway. It felt as if I was stuck in a nightmare. Max then ran up to me and pulled me into the bathroom. We checked the stalls to make sure no one was in there before she began. "Did Mike and you breakup?" She asked, tightly clenching her books to her chest. "What? No, why?" I asked and her eyes went huge. She didn't say anything for a moment so I gently hit her arm. "Max tell me!" I demanded and she sighed. "Talya said they kissed last night. He went to her house last night crying. They  kissed." Max said and squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. As soon as she said that I burst into tears. The door swung open and in came high schools queen bee, Talya Martian. "Oh hunny. I assume you have heard. I'm so sorry about that. He came onto me though. He kissed me first. I didn't kiss back at first, but he made me feel bad for not doing so. I kissed him back for a while. I stopped him before it got serious." She said and like that she was out. "I knew he was never good for you anyway." Max said as I turned around to face her again. I ran out of the bathroom and found Mike in the hallway. He came up to me and tried to kiss me. I turned my cheek to him and and he pulled away. "Why is everyone pointing at us?" He asked noticing the whole school gathered around us. "I don't know? Why don't you tell me?" I asked coldly and he looked confused. "Huh?" I rolled my eyes. "Oh don't play dumb. Don't you think it's bad enough that my boyfriend cheated on me? What's worse is that I had to hear it from her! If you don't love me, at least have the decency to tell me before the whole school knows." I yelled and stomped on his foot. I ran out of the school and into the woods to a lake I always went to when I was sad. After a while Mike came and explained everything to me.

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