Puppy Love

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Get read for puppy cuteness!!!! uwu
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El's POV

I was walking down the street with Max. We had just gone shopping. She was only in town for a few days because it was her spring break from college. It was a beautiful day. The birds were singing high in the treetops as the hot sun that I had missed so much over the past winter shone down on my face. I had around two shopping bags in each hand. We walked past a store but Max stopped. "Come on. The boys are waiting for us at lunch." I yelled to her but she still didn't come. "No come look at this!" She yelled, still gazing in a clouded window. I walked back to her and saw a gorgeous little puppy staring at us cutely. It was a golden Labrador retriever. It was a puppy and had big brown eyes like Mike but yet they were somehow darker. "He's perfect for you and Mike!" Max squealed. "Max, we don't need a dog." I said but it was to late. She walked in and grabbed my hand making me follow her whether I wanted to or not. "Hi how much for the dog?" Max asked the man at the register. "Oh you mean the lab?" He asked and Max nodded. "Uhm shes free." He responded and turned to the computer but Max stopped him. "Why? Any reasons?" She asked and I rolled my eyes behind her. "Um are you blind? There's a sign on the front door. We brought all these puppies from the shelter, today only. Their free." He said as he rolled his eyes. "Keep on rolling your eyes. Maybe one day you will find a brain back there." I said and he instantly looked up at me. "Wow your a snarky little thing." He smiled as he winked at me, causing me to shudder. "Whatever just get me the dog." I said crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. "Sure thing beautiful." He said as he walked past me but I grabbed his arm causing him to stop. I looked him dead in the eye and he looked a little frightened. "My names El. Beautiful to my HUSBAND." I yelled so he could understand I wasn't single. He scoffed and walked past me to the puppy. "Here." He said as practically threw the dog to me. "Shew, bitches." He said to us and Max slowly walked up to him. She got right in his face just like I did with Mike all those years ago at starcourt. She slapped him and walked out before I did. I watched her as she waited for me outside. I turned back to him and glared at him as I cradled the puppy. "I have a mouth for a reason, and I use it for people like you." I said as I turned on my heel and walked out. Max and I clapped and ran away squealing like two teenage girls. Something that we actually were a few years ago. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Max asked as we walked on the crowded street in downtown Hawkins. "He'd be great for Will?" I asked and she slapped my arm. "No! That he was a jerk!" Max giggled and we almost walked into the restaurant but remembered we had a puppy. "Oh no!" I shouted and hid so the boys didn't see us through the window. "What?" Max asked almost opening the door but I pulled her aside. "We can't let Mike know I have a puppy. I didn't ask him and I'm not even sure our apartment is pet friendly." I gulped. I looked around and saw a payphone. I couldn't get to my purse so I grabbed Max's. I pulled out a few quarters and walked to the payphone. "Hey! Your making my broke ass pay for the call?" Max asked and I rolled my eyes. I slipped in the coins and dialed the pizza place. "Hello?" The waitress asked and I asked for Mike. "Sure thing." She politely said and soon I heard Mikes voice. "Hello?" He asked and I heard air going through a straw. "Not now Lucas!" Mike said annoyed and I knew they were being stupid boys by throwing spit wads at each other. I rolled my eyes again for what seemed like the fifth time today. "Look we can't come. I'm not feeling to well. We're just gonna head home. I love you so much!" I squeezed in and hung up. I gave Max a big thumbs up and we walked to my apartment. When we got there I realized we had no puppy things. I knew the boys wouldn't be back till a while so I left Max with the puppy I still hadn't named. I went to the store and got water and food and came back to a house with things thrown everywhere. "Wha- what happened here?!?" I screamed and she clamped her teeth together. "Whoops. I went to the bathroom for one minute!" She shouted at the small puppy and he had sad eyes. I vacuumed the house with the vacuum I had never used because I had never needed it till now. We fixed the place up and went upstairs and hid the puppy in Mike and I's room. We cleaned the kitchen from dog hair and sighed as Max sat herself on the counter. "This calls for wine!" I smiled and she nodded. "Agreed!" She said as she reached for our wine cabinet we hardly ever got in. We poured our glasses and cheered to the newest member of the Wheeler family. Probably the hairiest too.

Max and I were watching silly cartoons and drank wine as Mike and Lucas walked through the door. "You ok?" Mike asked as he came behind the couch and gave me a neck hug. In my opinion it was one of the best kinds. "I'm fine. It was just a headache." I smiled as Max turned off the tv. "What's that smell?" Mike asked as I took a sip of my drink. I choked and looked at Max who was frozen. "I-I don't know. What does it smell like?" I asked slowly putting my wine down. I knew if Mike found out we had a dog he would be furious. "Um, I accidentally spilt some old food from the fridge earlier. You may be smelling that." Max lied and I thanked God I had a friend who was as good of a liar as she. "No it kinda smells like wet dog." Mike said as he sniffed more and I slightly kicked Max under the blanket we were sharing. "Um I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I grabbed Max's arms and took the wine out of her hand and put it down. "Max why don't you come with me?" I smiled through gritted teeth and walked up the stairs with her following closely behind. We went in my room and saw the little dog rolling in his water bowl that he had tipped over. The dog saw us and quickly tried to escape. "Shut the door!" I yelled to Max who was standing at the door staring at the puppy and I. She tried to but he ran past me causing me to fall down. "AHHHHH!" I screamed as I fell on ankle. (If you wanna know what her screams sounds like just imagine Caleb screaming😉😂) Max ran out of the room chasing the puppy.

Mikes POV

The girls ran upstairs as Lucas and I gave confused looks to one another. We heard a door open and then silence. The a blood curdling scream. If as it couldn't get any worse, a wet dog bolted down the stairs, Max closely behind it. I ignored them as I ran up to the stairs. I saw El with a look of pain on her face which caused worry to wash over mine. She grabbed at our dresser for support up. A picture of us from our wedding fell off and she quickly let go. She grabbed the broken prices of glass up as tears fell out of her eyes. "I-I'm so sorry." She cried more and I hugged her. I rocked her back and forth as she cried into my shirt causing it to get wet which I didn't mind. "Can you walk on it?" I asked and she whimpered and shook her head. I picked her up and carried her to our bed and dialed Joyce's number from the phone on her bedside table. Joyce had a pair of crutches we could use. She had broken her ankle a few years. "Hello?" I heard a males voice and I knew it was Hopper. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Can I talk to Joyce?" I asked and El giggled as she tried to roll on her side but failed. "Why? Is everything alright?" He started to panic and El managed to take he phone away from. "Dad everything is fine. I just hurt my ankle and need to talk to mom. "Did Wheeler do this? Because if he did-" he started and could have sworn I heard him loading a gun. "Dad! Not everything I do is controlled by him. Just ask mom if she can bring the crutches." She laughed. "Ok." She mumbled and hung up. I assumed Max and Lucas went home because I heard the door open and close and I got in bed beside El. I tried to talk to her but she was already asleep. I laughed and put my arms around her.

"Gross!" Hopper yelled and El and I woke up. I managed to hear a slight giggle from her as she tried to sit up but whimpered. "Wheeler if you-" he went at it again but El rolled her eyes. Joyce slightly punched his arm causing him to stop accusing me. She walked over to El and hugged her. "Baby!" She cried and hugged her. "What happened?" She asked as she pulled away and El told them everything. "It sounds like you just twisted it." Joyce smiles and moved hair out of El's eyes, which was usually my job. "Thanks doctor Joyce." Hop said sarcastically and Joyce took a crutch and poked him from the other side of the room. He laughed and Joyce put the crutch down. "Serves you right." She laughed.

That night*
El's POV

"Today has been a crappy day." I sighed as I put my legs in Mikes lap. "Why did you tell me about the dog?" He asked, totally ignoring me previous statement. "Because, I thought you would be mad." I looked down and played with my fingers. "Hey, I'm not mad. I get it. Who could say no to a puppy? Especially if your best friends practically forced it on you." He laughed. "Yeah. Can we go to Taco Bell?" I asked. I looked at my watch and it was 1:00am but I didn't care. "Fine." He laughed and I got in his back. Maybe having a twisted ankle had it perks. Yes, I would have to stay off my ankle for a while but at least I had a personal chauffeur who would take me anywhere. Even if it was he middle of the night. This was finally, my Happily Ever After.

Don't watch the video at the top of you wanna cry. It was he only video I knew had a puppy in it so...

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