Four || The House Tour

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The pancakes Papyrus made were...indescribable. Yeah. That's the only adjective you can think of to sum them up. Nevertheless, everyone's plates were clean within about fifteen minutes.

That's when the pestering began.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Could you give us a tour of your place??"


"Ooh yeah! A gym would be TOTALLY sick!"


Undyne and Papyrus continue talking about the gym (that doesn't exist) while you, Sans, and Alphys watch them in amusement.

"Alright, I'll give you guys a tour," You say with a grin, "Just let me get dressed first,"



With a small smile, you head upstairs to your bedroom to change out of your pajamas. The sounds of your four guests' talking dies down as you reach the second floor. You shuffle down to the end of the hallway to your room and stifle a yawn.

On your king sized bed is a bundle of thick, heavy blankets. Wooden, (f/c) nightstands sit on either side of your large bed. On one of them is a plastic water bottle that you still haven't thrown out, your notebook, and a simple LED lamp. On the other, your phone sits facedown next to an identical lamp.

In the far right of your room, a large desk lies beneath a massive window. Your laptop sits on top of the desk, closed and charging. To the left of your bed is another equally sized window and two doors. One leads to your spa-like bathroom, and the other opens up to your walk-in closet. To the left of your bedroom door is a simple dresser and a full-length mirror hangs next to it.

Your life is pretty good, huh?

You let out a sigh and yank open your dresser drawer, wishing you didn't have to change. Normally, since you live alone, you'd just walk around in the comfort of your pajamas all day. However, because you have guests, you have to be a normal person and get dressed. Yuck.

You pick out a pair of simple (f/c) jeans and a plain grey hoodie. Once you change into your outfit, you pull your hair up into a messy bun and slide over to your mirror.

"Ayyy what's cookin' good lookin'?" You say to your reflection with a wink. You do a little twirl and let out a laugh.

"Alright, where should I start the tour?" You think out loud, crossing your arms.

  "They've already seen the kitchen, living room, and second floor...perhaps I could start off with the backyard? It's a little cold out, but there's a fire pit..." You think on this for a moment.

  "Yeah! I think the backyard sounds good," You say to yourself, "now all I have to worry about is not embarrassing myself like I usually do..." Taking a deep breath, you step out into the hallway and shut your bedroom door behind you. You make your way down the hallway and towards the staircase. The sound of Papyrus' and Undyne's voices reaches your ears as you head to the first floor and you smile softly. It's actually kind of nice having company... You think.

As soon as you reach the bottom of the stairs, (no falling this time!) you're surrounded by your houseguests in mere seconds. You let out a little squeak in surprise at how close all of them are to you. Three out of the four of them are taller than you, so that makes things ten times more overwhelming.

"H-Hey, let's give (Y/N) some air, g-guys," Alphys pipes up. Everyone murmurs in apology and takes a few steps back from you. You give Alphys a grateful smile and she grins shyly back.

You Look Like A Million Bucks (Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now