Five || Movies and Cuddles

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Hello lovelies! I apologize for the late update, school's being really tough on me right now and I don't have as much free time as I used to...I miss summer break. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


When you and Sans returned home, you were greeted by the sight of Undyne, Papyrus, and Alphys asleep on the living room couch. Alphys and Undyne were snuggled together under a large throw blanket while Papyrus was lying with half of his body hanging off of the couch. You and Sans shared a laugh then woke the three sleepy monsters up.

After that, the rest of the afternoon was spent on playing video games. At around five, Undyne suggested that you all go into the pool, but then you realized that you're the only one with a bathing suit. Of course, you went online and ordered everyone swimsuits that would arrive tomorrow. Along with that, you ordered a few new outfits for them as well.

Six o'clock rolled around in the blink of an eye.

Undyne and Papyrus are sitting at your dining room table playing a very intense game of Connect Four and Alphys is finishing up her anime from earlier. Sans is sitting with you at the bar while you draw in your sketchbook. You're almost done with the landscape you've been working on for days, it's a large snowy mountain range with an indigo night sky. Stars are scattered across the canvas and deep green pine trees cover the ground.

You set your pencil down for a second and take a break from shading, giving your hand a little shake to keep it from cramping up.

  "wow, that drawing's actually pretty good, (Y/N)," Sans says with a grin. You feel your cheeks heat up instantly and attempt to hide your face behind your hair.

  "Ah, thanks Sans!" You reply with a shy smile.

  "'course," He says.

He's relieved that you didn't notice the blue on his cheeks.

You slump over your cold countertop and let out a sigh. From behind you, you hear Undyne let out a shriek and little Connect Four pieces go flying. Papyrus laughs triumphantly and you smile to yourself.


Your head shoots up from the counter and your face burns bright red at the sound of your stomach. Sans gives you a funny look, which causes your blush to worsen.

  "Guess I'm a little hungry, huh?" You say with a weak smile.

  "heheh, guess so," Sans chuckles.


  "Hey, I'm actually pretty hungry too," Undyne says, "how about we order something??"

  "Y-Yeah, that's a great idea, U-Undyne!" Alphys squeaks from the living room, "Wh-What does everybody want?"



  "i don't care,"

  "...What about pizza?"

Everyone tilts their heads at you in confusion and you fiddle with the sleeves of your hoodie.

  "I mean, if you guys don't want it that's fine..." You say sheepishly.

  "WHAT IS THIS...PIZZA YOU SPEAK OF?" Papyrus asks. Your jaw drops.

  "You guys haven't had pizza before??" You ask incredulously. They all shake their heads in unison.

You Look Like A Million Bucks (Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now