Nine || The Hottest Restaurant In Town

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AHHH FINALLY GOT THIS CHAPTER DONE!! Thanks SO MUCH to all you amazing readers for waiting on me and for your support, you guys are the best!! I really hope you all enjoy! :)


You put your car in park and take a deep breath. The engine dies as you pull out the keys and you glance at Sans, who's sitting comfortably in the passenger seat.

"This is the place, right?" You ask. Sans stares out his window at the brick building labeled "Grillby's" in neon letters. It seems to be popular, you can see a large mix of monsters inside.

"yep," He replies simply, "you'll love it, i promise,"

"If you say so..." You reply nervously.

"I UNDERSTAND YOUR SKEPTICISM, HUMAN (Y/N). IT'S NOT THE BEST RESTAURANT, BUT SANS ENJOYS IT VERY MUCH!" Papyrus adds from the slightly cramped backseat. You laugh at his remark.

"I'll take your word for it, Papyrus," You say.

"I've never been, but it looks fun!" Undyne exclaims, eagerly staring at the small restaurant.

"LET'S GO, THEN!" Papyrus shouts excitedly, making everyone in the car jump.

You unbuckle your seatbelt and the others copy your action. You hate to admit it, but your hands are shaking. Despite Sans' reassuring words, you're still horrified of stepping outside the comfort of your home.

Taking a deep breath, you open your door and step out into the small parking lot of Grillby's. You're immediately hit with a blast of cold air and your teeth begin to chatter. The sky is a dull, cloudy gray and you can tell it's going to snow later tonight.

Sans steps out of the passenger door and sighs, grinning nonexistent ear to nonexistent ear. You can't help but smile at how happy he looks. The skeleton glances over at you and gives you a wink. Realizing that you were staring, you quickly look away from him and hide your red face from his sight.

Shit...I hope he didn't notice that.

Undyne, Papyrus, and an anxious looking Alphys get out of your car.

"Let's see if we can go get a booth!" Undyne says, striding towards the doors with a sharp-toothed smile. Papyrus follows her with a hearty "NYEH HEH HEH!" and Alphys trails quietly behind the two rowdy monsters.

Sans walks over to your side of the car and you tense up instantly.

Oh god he's coming over here oh shit oh fuck.

"Hey!" You say, your voice unnaturally squeaky.

"you sure you're okay with this?" He asks, his voice laced with worry.

"...Yeah," You say, fidgeting with the strings on your hoodie, "I'll be fine,"

"i'll be right next to ya the entire time, alright?" Sans says, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. This causes your blush to worsen and you laugh anxiously.

"L-Let's go in, shall we?" You stutter.

"oh yeah, heh. we should probably do that," He replies. With that, the two of you head towards the entrance.


Your eyes lay upon the sight of Undyne noogieing a child with short, brown hair. They're wearing a blue and purple striped sweater and brown shorts. come they look familiar to you?

"OH MY GOODNESS!!! HUMAN FRISK, IT'S SO WONDERFUL TO SEE YOU!" Papyrus exclaims, squeezing the poor kid into a bone-crushing hug.

You Look Like A Million Bucks (Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now