Six || Sleepless Night

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Turn over...flip the pillow...kick off the blankets...pull the blankets up again...

The endless cycle of no sleep continues on and on and on until you can't take it anymore. You bolt up from your bed and throw your blankets off of yourself.

The gentle hum of the heat is the only sound that reaches your ears besides your own heavy breathing. You close your eyes and inhale deeply, tucking your hair behind your ears.

"Okay, (Y/N), here's what we're gonna do..." You say to yourself, "we're gonna get out of bed, change into some sweatpants and a t-shirt, then we're gonna watch some YouTube on our phone, alright?"

You swing your legs over the side of your bed and make your way over to your dresser. The bottom drawer is yanked open and you pick out an oversized shirt and some soft gray sweatpants. You have many pairs of sweatpants.

Once you're all comfy in your new outfit, you go over to your bedside table and take your phone off of its wireless charging pad. You groan at the time. One in the damn morning...jeez.

You grab your earbuds and plug them into your phone, then burrow underneath your heavy blankets. You squint at your phone's bright screen and make your way to the YouTube app. When you get to the app and go to the search bar, your fingers hover over the keyboard.


What should I watch?

You scroll up and down your recommended page, but nothing really sticks out to you.

Seen it...not funny...why the hell is that in my recommended?!

You let out a huff and slump down into your many pillows, dropping your phone on your mattress and completely giving up. You gaze around your pitch black room, your mind going haywire.

I could draw in my, I don't really feel like it right now.

Maybe I could go for a swim in the pool..? Ugh, no, it'll be too cold.

Hot tub? Nooo, remember what happened last time when I fell asleep in it? I nearly had a heat stroke!!

...Maybe I could go on a little walk to clear my head.

You think on this for a moment, and decide that it's the best option right now. The cool night air always does wonders on a chaotic mind.

You slide out of bed as quietly as you can, making sure to avoid the floorboards that squeak. You make your way over to your desk and grab the black NASA hoodie your Dad bought you a while back. It's a little big...heh...he always got things a size up.

You slip the hoodie over your head and pay no mind to your rat's nest of hair. Instead, you snatch up a ponytail band and pull it up into a very messy bun. You shuffle silently over to your door and slowly open it. You poke your head out into the inky black hallway to find that no one else is awake.

Thank goodness.

Now, with the door open, you can hear Undyne's muffled snores from the other end of the hallway. Papyrus' room is completely silent, he's out like a light, and Sans' room...

A small frown forms on your lips at the thought of Sans, you still feel awful for him. He seemed so embarrassed, he couldn't even show his face for god's sake!

...I should check on him. Just one time.

Taking a deep breath, you tiptoe across the hall to Sans' bedroom door and give it a gentle knock.

  "Sans?" You whisper.

No response.

  "Hey, Sans..." You repeat, slightly louder this time.

You Look Like A Million Bucks (Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now