Seven || Starry Night Sky

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I'm alive!!! I'm so sorry I didn't update sooner, school has been kicking my ass and I've got TONS of work. Biology sucks, am I right lads??Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!!


You and Sans stayed in a comfortable hug for a good while. When you pulled away from each other, a twinge of sadness pinched your heart.

Is it bad that I want more than a hug?

  "we should probably head inside, huh?" Sans suggests. Your cheeks turn bright red, but luckily he doesn't see it in the dark.

  "Y-Yeah, heheh!" You reply, smiling awkwardly. Sans gives you a weird look but thinks nothing of your strange laugh.

The two of you get up from the log you were sitting on and begin to trudge down the path back to your house. You shove your hands into your pockets and shiver slightly as an icy gust of wind slaps you in the face. A few stray snowflakes blow into your hair, but you don't really mind.

You notice Sans has his eyes locked on the sky and smile at this.

  "Pretty sky tonight," You say. Sans' focus snaps back to you and he grins.

  "yeah, heh. i don't usually tell people this, but i'm really into stars and constellations," Sans replies, "they're just so fascinating,"

  "Really?" You ask, intrigued.

  "yep, i know it's pretty unexpected coming from a lazybones like me," Sans says with a shrug.

  "...I think I have something to show you, then," You say with a soft smile. Confusion is written all over Sans' face.

  "C'mon, it'll be good, I promise," You say.

  "...alright, (Y/N),"

The door to your bedroom opens silently and you step inside, ignoring the light switch. Sans creeps in after you and closes the door behind him.

  "y'know, if you wanted me to sleep with you, you could've just asked," Sans says quietly, elbowing your arm lightly.

  "Pfft—," You snicker.

If the lights were on, Sans would be able to see the red on your cheeks.

You squint your eyes and tiptoe across your room to the closet, Sans follows you slowly. The closet door is pulled open and the two of you step inside.

  "Okay, get ready for this..." You say, a childlike grin on your face. You stride over to the back of your spacious closet and pull out an old crate from underneath a shelf. Standing on top of the crate, you reach up to the ceiling and feel around for the hatch.


Your fingers close around the cool metal handle that belongs to a trapdoor, you pull down and the door swings open. A gust of air rushes in as you pull the ladder down from its hidden spot.

  "whoa!" Sans exclaims, stepping over to you, "we're going on the roof? is that safe?"

  "Well, normally it wouldn't be," You say with a smile, "but this part of the roof is flat so we should be fine,"

  "ah, gotcha," Sans replies.

You kick the crate back into its place and turn to Sans, beaming ear to ear.

  "I think you're really gonna like this, Sans," You say. With that, you climb up to your little slice of paradise.

In the twelve by twelve ft. area, there is a single beanbag, a top of the line telescope, and a little bin filled with your favorite snacks. It's not much, but to you, it's perfect.

You step onto the roof and inhale deeply, tilting your head back and savoring the cool air. Sans joins you on the roof and his face brightens at the sight of your telescope.

  "wow! you've got a telescope up here, that's so cool!" Sans says excitedly, "can i..?"

  "Go for it," You say with a smile. Sans' grin widens and he speeds over to your telescope. He peers into it with his right eye socket and gasps loudly.

  "oh my god, is that a galaxy?! a real galaxy??!" He exclaims, getting even closer to the lens of the telescope. You giggle at his enthusiasm, it's so adorable! 

  "holy shit, there's orion! i've never seen it so close!" Sans says, overjoyed, "come check it out, (Y/N)!"

  "Oh! Okay!" You squeak, heading over to join Sans at the telescope. The skeleton scoots over to let you see and your jaw drops.

  "Whoa, it's so bright tonight!" You say.

  "i know, isn't it great?" Sans says.

  "Totally!" You reply, turning to face him.

Your stomach does a flip as you lock eyes with Sans. His breath tickles your face and you feel your cheeks heat up. You're so close to him, if you moved only a few inches forward you'd...



You squeeze your eyes shut and let out an awkward laugh.

"hah, i win!" Sans says.

"...What?" You ask.

"the staring contest...that's what we were doing, right?" Sans says, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Uhh, sure," You reply, "but that wasn't an official staring contest,"


"Yeah, if it was announced it would've been official," You say, placing your hands on your hips, "and if it was official, I would've kicked your ass!"

"joke's on you, i don't have an ass!" Sans says, leaning forward with a smug grin. You burst into laughter and Sans chuckles at his own joke.

"Oookay, Sans," You giggle, "whatever you say,"

"what, you want proof that i'm assless? 'cause i'll give you proof, (Y/N)," Sans reaches for the waistband of his shorts and turns around. Your face turns bright red and you shield your eyes.

"No, what the hell!!!" You exclaim. Sans doubles over in laughter and turns back around to face you.

"i'm kidding! i'm kidding!" He snickers. You move your arms away from your face as Sans' laughter dies down.

"alright, i should probably get some sleep," Sans says, "when i start making ass jokes you KNOW i'm sleep-deprived," You let out a giggle.

"you should probably turn in too, (Y/N)," Sans adds, "i bet you're just as tired as me,"

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," You reply. Sans heads down the ladder and into your closet. You follow him down and shut the trapdoor behind yourself.

The two of you head out of your closet and Sans steps into the hallway. He stops himself and turns around to face you as you stand in the doorway. Sans hesitates for a second.

"...'night, sweetheart," He whispers. He reaches towards the side of your face and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. You lean into his touch ever so slightly and smile warmly.

"Goodnight, Sans,"


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