Eight || Tension Is In The Air!

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Your fingers intertwine with Sans' as the two of you stride down a leaf-covered sidewalk. The trees on both sides of you are bursting with vibrant oranges, yellows, and reds. It's fall, your favorite season.

"(Y/N)," Sans says, stopping in his tracks, "you look cold, do you want my jacket?"

"Oh, of course!" You say, letting go of Sans' hand. You're not really cold, but you're not going to pass up the opportunity to look cute in his jacket!

Sans slips his blue sweatshirt off of himself and gently drapes it over your shoulders, gazing into your (e/c) eyes. You tilt your head and smile up at him as you pull his jacket tightly around yourself. It smells like a mixture of ketchup and fresh air, a bit of a strange combination, but you're not one to judge.

"stars, you're cute..." Sans mutters, his cheeks dusted with a light blue.

"So are you, Sans," You reply, leaning closer to him and booping where his nose would be. Sans chuckles softly and wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you towards him. His free hand goes in your hair and you close your eyes, comforted by his touch. Your faces get closer...closer...closer...

Your eyelids pop open and you let out a groan.

"How come that shit only happens to me in my dreams?!" You think out loud. Your eyes go to the windows and they widen when you realize how bright it is outside. You reach for your phone and unlock it.

"Did I really sleep until twelve in the afternoon..?" You mumble.

"...Well, it's happened before,"

The covers are thrown off and your feet hit the hardwood floor of your room. With your head in your hands, you sigh deeply.

"I have a crush on Sans."

You feel like you should've realized this sooner, but just saying the words yourself makes it so much more crazy. You never would have expected to fall for the guy, but...here you are.

Now, there's only two options.

One: Ask him out. This is the much more difficult option since you're not the best at social interactions. Not to mention your anxiety! Hell, you haven't even dated anyone since...ever, really.

Two: Give Up. To be totally honest, you're more comfortable with option two. Your nerves will probably get the best of you since Sans...he's so cool! And funny! And so...damn...cute.

"You know what?" You say, standing up from the edge of your bed, "I'm gonna ask him out!" You race to your full-length mirror and flash yourself a smile.

"You've got this, (Y/N)!" You exclaim, "You're super pretty, really nice, and a great person! There's no way he wouldn't want to date you!" You stare into your reflection and your smile falters.

"Unless...he doesn't feel the same way towards me as I do to him," You say sadly, "I can't tell if he's being nice or..."

The memory of him calling you sweetheart pops into your head and your cheeks heat up. Without another word, you dash to your closet to pick out a pair of jeans. Gotta look good for your big moment!

After you slip on your black ripped jeans, you head to your dresser and pick out a white, long-sleeved NASA shirt. Its soft fabric brushes against your skin and you smile at the feeling. To complete your outfit, you grab a pair of black converse and slide them onto your feet.

You step over to your mirror and give yourself a grin.

"Hey, Sans!" You say to your reflection, "I know this might be sudden and...kind of surprising, but...*ahem*...would you like to go on a date with me?" You gaze into your own eyes and frown slightly.

You Look Like A Million Bucks (Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now