Chapter 4

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The ride to the house was so awkward, Michelle was dying to ask her husband about the whereabouts of this fiancée but she kept quiet.

Immediately they got home, she entered her room and went to lie down. Jeremy ordered the maid to get some soup for Michelle.

But she refused to have anything, she has lost appetite for everything. She feels so cheated and betrayed.

He could have chosen any one as his girlfriend not Mia. What baffles her is why Mia pretended she doesn't know her.

She knows Mia very well and Mia knows her to. They've never been the best of friends.

"Madam please Mr pine wants to have dinner with you downstairs" Mildred said as brought Michelle out of her thoughts.

Michelle only nodded her head and followed Mildred quietly, she walked like a zombie to the dinning room.

Jeremy was seating there once again on his phone, immediately he saw his wife coming he dropped the phone he was holding and smiled at her.

But she didn't return the smile, they sat in an uncomfortable silence as they ate dinner, Michelle was playing with her food for she has lost her appetite.

"I told your parents and my parents about the cancellation of the honey moon, and I also told them you weren't well they should be calling you soon". Jeremy said when the silence was to much for him to bear.

"Mum wanted to visit you but I told her you were alright, I know you wouldn't like it others seeing you like this" he tried reaching out to her across the table but she drew her hands away from him.

Since she cane down for dinner she has neither glanced at him or spoke a word to him. And this making Jeremy feel so uncomfortable.

"Least I forget, mum and dads 32nd anniversary of marriage is this weekend and since we couldn't go to the honeymoon we are obliged to go" Jeremy said, trying to get her to talk.

But she didn't, she feels to used and betrayed the thought of Mia and her husband makes her more sick.

She stood up after playing with her food for so long, her mother would have scolded her for her lack of table manners.

But for now she doesn't give a damn about it any more, she is tired of living her life the way others wants her to do.

It about time to stand up for her self, it about time she does something for herself, fight and defend what hers.

Jeremy is her husband and she is not going to let that stupid social climber called Mia to take that away from her.

As she made her way back to his room cause she heard him slam his door she over heard his conversations.

"No Mia, I thought I could do it but I can't, I'm married to her for eternity I need to learn to accept and leave with her." Jeremy calmly spoke.

"We will meet this weekend to talk more" Jeremy ended the call. Immediately he ended the call he heard a knock on his door.

He was surprised to see his wife standing there, right in front of his door.

"Can we talk" she boldly asked him. Jeremy is surprised at her tone.

What are they going to talk about. Get the right answer and I will pm you the next chapter before I update it.

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