Chapter 9

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Have been discharged from the hospital, and soon lectures will start soon. Well yeah I'm still a student, I'm in my final year studying banking and finance.

I didn't want people to treat me differently because I'm married to Jeremy. I just pray the few people that where present at the wedding will keep their mouths quiet.

Because actually we didn't have the lost Angeles where we are currently residing, where my parents and I cane from.

We had it in a different state which was just as great. Things have changed drastically between Jeremy and I.

I'm now sharing a room with Jeremy, yep you heard me right. After I was discharged from the hospital he insisted on me sharing room with him.

and I'm glad we did that, the gossips that goes on among the workers, they think I don't know how Jeremy doesn't share a room with me.

I just turn deaf ears to their silly comments, I'm just happy it hasn't moved out of the four walls of this house.

"What are you doing" Jeremy asked. I jumped with fright because I didn't hear him come inn. I heaved a sigh of release when I notice it was him.

Immediately he saw my face and actions the playful mood he was in has just vanished it was replaced with concern and a frown.

I raised an eyebrow questionably at him but he just shrug his shoulders.

"What will you be doing tomorrow evening " Jeremy asked me as he sat on the bed right next to me.

"Well I will be doing nothing, why are you going somewhere or do you have an agenda with someone " I couldn't help but to cringe at the thought of the name that crossed my mind.

I just pray things doesn't go back to the way it used to be, I don't want to loose him.

"Something is bothering you and you don't want to tell me"  Jeremy brought me out of my mind. I guess I zoned out on him.

I opened my mouth and closed it, I didn't want to ruin this moment. Not now but Jeremy is not having any of it.

"It nothing, sorry I zoned out" I sincerely apologise although i don't know for what.

"No, you are lying to me so tell me" Jeremy persuaded. Taking both my hands in his big ones. I looked at out inter-wined finger and took in a deep breath.

"me asking if you had an agenda, I was wondering if you where going to meet Mia or something " I finished my sentence not been able to look him in the eyes.

I folded my legs and placed my hands in between my legs because at the mention of Mia, Jeremy left my hands and stood up.

He was pacing up and down the room, if I say I wasn't hurt will be an understatement, he still have feelings for her.

What was I thinking, that he will magically just forget about her. I had to cover my lips to hold in the sob that threatened to escape.

I immediately run out of the room just in my shorts shorts pyjamas and it singlet.

Could it really be true that Jeremy is taking Mia out.

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