Chapter 13

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The first feeling I can describe was rage, the hatred I have towards this bitch who is standing in front of me.

"If not the little princess we have here then who else"  The voice said, looking at me with a wicked smirk.

Upon all the people I thought could do this I never imagined she of all people will do this. I was just looking at her with betrayed eyes.

I was fighting against odds not to let the tears fall but the betrayal, the pain, the backstab was too much.

"Why, what did I do to you" I managed to crook out, my voice is hoarse from crying.

She only smiled at me and flicked on the lights, she closed the door on her way back to me and brought a chair from the car corner of the abandoned ware house.

Well that what I thought it was, a ware house, my guess was right. No window just a small one.

"Well, you took something that belongs to my family, so it about time I make you pay"  the person said looking at me in the eyes.

"But I didn't take anything from you, you worked as a maid in my house and I treated you good, I treated all of you as my sisters. I never made you guys felt like the maids you where" I said not believing my eyes.

"Yeah yeah, what ever, blah blah blah, true you treated us good, but like I said you took something that doesn't belong to you. I'm here to take it back and give it back to the rightful owner"

She said with a wicked smirk on her face. I'm going to make your life a living hell. Just wait and see.

"You bitch, tell me what you claim I took from you already" I spat looking at her with angry eyes. She flinched a bit when I called her a bitch.

The next thing i noticed was a sharp slap on my face, and it hurts like something but I held it inn. And spat on her face when she got closer to me again.

The blood on her face indicated she has bursted my lip, but I don't care about this I will fight with her until I free my self.

"Bitch, you deserve this" she bucked my nose and stomach, I groaned in pain as she continued punching me here and there.

I began loosing consciousness, as the pain was unbearable but I refused to scream and beg her to stop. I will never or ever give her the satisfaction of she seeing me scream or beg her to stop.

I smirked at her when she stopped to look at the pieces of her art. I gave her a wicked smirk and I think that angered her because the bunch she landed on my face had me falling on the floor with a tad. I groaned in pain before darkness took over. I faintly heard her walking away from me.

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What did Michelle took from that maid.

Next chapter might be in Jeremy's point of view

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