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EB_Writes such an amazing writer, Wattpad superstar you guys should check out her books she made the covers for all my books you can request your book covers there.

"I want you to divorce me" Michelle said immediately she entered the room, she sat on the bed waiting for his reply.

"No you can't divorce me, I don't love you and neither do you. So let just work things out, and if it doesn't work then we divorce" Jeremy said kneeling in front of his wife.

"But what of Mia, I know you love her dearly" Michelle said looking at him in the person eye.

It hurts her saying this, but that the truth and that reality.  No matter how far you run away from the truth it will hit you in the head.

"Yes I love her, but she has to be in my past now. You are now my future. So will you give me the honour of been your husband" Jeremy asked still kneeling in front of her.

Michelle could only nod her head at his suggestion. She isn't too sure about his decision what if it was a prank.

She was surprised when he smiled at her and sat beside her on the bed.

"Least I forget mum and dad are throwing a party at our their house this weekend and she invited us." Jeremy said rubbing the back of his head.

"So will you go with me to the party, it okay if you don't go with me" Jeremy said looking at the floor.

"I would love to go with you" Michelle timidly said. Not to sure about what to expect at the party.

They sat in a comfortable silence not saying anything to each other. Michelle is a little bit happy about the turn of events.

"So tell me something about your self" Jeremy randomly asked his wife, since they knew nothing about each other.

"Well you know my name, I'm 22 years of age,  I live to read and sometimes sing. But I can't swim to save my self" she said laughing at her self.

"That interesting,  I read a lot also but i don't sing, I love to swim" he said smiling at his wife.

"Anything else hi want to tell me" Jeremy was looking at her now, he just prays he is doing the right thing.

"Anything like what" she shyly asked him not been able to look at him in the eye.

"Your favorite food, color, and flowers maybe" he said scooting closer to her. She was so nervous this the first time a guy has actually come closer to her.

"well, for the food anything goes, and my favorite color will be emerald and wine, for the color I love calla lilies" she said wiping her hands in her shorts.

"Those are nice choices, so what do you say you and me, dinner tomorrow night at 8pm." Jeremy boldly asked not shying away any more.

"I would love to go on a date with you" Michelle said looking at her husband through her lashes. What could have made Jeremy change this much.

Is he really Jeremy. What happened to her old husband the cold one who introduced his girlfriend to her.

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Is Jeremy truly changing or is it just a prank to make her fall more heels over head for him

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