Chapter 10

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My heart hurts so much, why I'm I feeling this way. Gosh, I have been lied to again and my trust in him has broken.

I'm done fighting for us, I don't have the strength to fight again. I accept defeat at this point. I heard banging on the door, but I know it was him so I didn't make an attempt to open the door.

He tried the knob but I wasn't foolish, immediately I entered the room I knew he will try coming to talk to me.

He is just coming to spit out more lies about his relationship with Mia, so I locked the door. I don't want to see him or listen to lies any more.

"Michelle please open the door" he pleaded still banging on the door, at this rate I know the door is already weak because of the way he is banging it.

"Please listen to me it not" he tried saying but i completed the sentence for him.

"It not the way it seems right" I asked him laughing humorously. "Go away, I don't want to see you again" I screamed at him.

The banging on the door has stopped so I guessed he left. I began crying more, he left. He didn't even try harder.

I knew he didn't marry me because he loved me, but he promised he would try. He promised but he broke the promise.

That night I cried my self to sleep, it was one of the worst days of my life, well the first would be the day he introduced Mia to me and now he is choosing her over me.

I don't think this marriage will ever work, he will always go to her. He will always choose her over me.

She makes him smile, she makes him laugh, they look good together unlike me who looks like a slag beside him.

This was wrong, I shouldn't have agreed to this marriage it was selfish of me, now I'm the one suffering.

Had I known he was seeing someone else I wouldn't have gone out with him least to marry him.

Because the tabloids and newspapers says he was single and I have never seen him with any woman I wonder why he hid her away from society.

She is just like us, rich and powerful her family and mine did a couple of business together.

When I woke up it was 6:43am, and the rising sun is already up doing her job.

I forgot to close the blinds in the room last night so the rays of the sun penetrated through the Windows

The room is just like I left it, I went to the wash room to brush my teeth and shower. Damn my clothes are on his room, I will quietly go in there and get it and come back here.

My eyes are red from crying, and I have a running nose in addition just great. This stupid headache won't leave me.

Immediately I opened the door I gasped at what I saw. Jeremy was sleeping on the floor right in front of my door.

So that means he didn't go, he didn't leave me, there might still be hope for us

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