Chapter 16

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My wrists are sore from moving, I have tried to escape so many times but the knots around my wrists where tied so tightly.

The new goons are so loud, that I nearly get some sleep, I have lost weight, my throat hurts from screaming so loud last night when that maid pulled my hair.

"I'm so bored, there is nothing to do here" I over heard one goon say to the other, I pretended to be asleep because when I'm not they mock me.

"Let have fun with that bitch over there" the second one said, laughing evilly, my heart rate doubled twice.

It was beating so fast but I refused to let my cover blow up. If they knew I wasn't asleep what happened the last time will happen again.

"Look there, boss must have dropped it" one guy said, as their attention moved to what he showed his friend.

"What that?" His friend questioned, I was still pretending to be asleep. But I can clearly hear their conversations.

"Oh yeah, it a phone, let go and see what she is hiding " I heard the shuffling of their feet, I opened my eyes fully now.


I just feel guilty for what happened, the police are still trying their best, her pictures are on the television and internet.

Her disappearance has been announced on most radio stations, a ransom has been placed on it who ever finds her, I don't want to think of the worst but dead or alive, I want her back here with me.

Her scent has begin to fade away, I always try her phone but switched off. I'm not a believer but I always pray to God to make a way.

Her mother is a crying mess, I can't even look at her in the eye, the media sure knows how to exaggerate things.

Some people blame me for her disappearance while others sympathize with me. I'm great full for  that but I just need my baby back.

I was trying her phone again when it went through, the GPS showed me the location of the phone.

Have been calling again but it wasn't going through again. Oh God no! no! I immediately called the officer in charge since he said should I find the smallest clue I should give them a call.

"Where are you going on a hurry" my mum asked me, she was consoling Michelle's mum. But I just rushed out of the house to meet the officers.

I met them on my way to the police station, I didn't want to give my parents and her parents any false hopes.

That why I didn't say anything. With my car I directed them to where the GPS was located but it was in the middle of no where.

No house or what so ever, I wonder how her phone even got signal, we nearly gave up on our search but not far from us, I saw the flicking of lights.

"Look over there" I eagerly pointed to the officers, we immediately went to that direction and true to our suspicion the door was heavily guarded by two strong men.

They could take us down any minute from now, we hid well in the bush as we called for back up. What shocked me the most was the maid I trusted standing there talking to the goons.

Sorry for the late update. One sister got married and the same week one gave birth so been busy, but promise to update more

Will Michelle finally go home? Or will something bad happened?

Don't forget to vote and leave your comments please it makes me want to update fast, ur comments helps me with what I should write in the next chapter

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