Chapter 6

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For the past few days Jeremy has done nothing for his wife to doubt him. They spent little time together getting to know each other

Today is the day for the party, and he is so nervous after so many days he is now meeting his ex lover.

How will she react to the news, will he be able to do what he planned on doing, what will his parents think of him should they know about the his affair.

Jeremy and his wife sleep in different rooms but it better than before, he is not cold to his wife any more.

He eats breakfast and dinner with her. Sometimes they even share lunch together. The maids in the house are happy about the turn of events.

Mildred the head maid who is in her late 30's was the most happiest when Michelle confined in her one afternoon.

"Mildred I heard you've been working for my husband for almost five years now" Michelle asked her taking a seat on the kitchen counter.

"Yes please, did I do anything wrong" Mildred asked cleaning her hands on her apron to attend to her madam

Although Michelle is way younger than her, she doesn't mind working for her. Her boss is also younger than her but they've showed her nothing but respect.

"Can you tell me what his favorite food is" Michelle asked a little bit on the shy side.

She was swinging her legs up and down, Mildred only smiled and nodded her head.

"Well Jeremy likes avocado and spaghetti that his favorite" Mildred said smiling to her self.

"Can you teach me how to do it please" Michelle asked politely. Because of how she was raised up she can't even boil hot water to save her self.

The maids did everything in the house for them, but she never allowed them to clean her room, she does those things on her own.

Her mother usually complains about that but she doesn't pay heed to it. She doesn't feel okay other people touching her things.

"What are you thinking about so much that have been standing here for the past 15min and you've not seen me" Jeremy asked as he casually walked into the room.

Yep they've been barging into each other's room like friends.

"Sorry, let me pick my clutch" Michelle said as she went to pick her gold clutch to go with her dress.

She was wearing a long emerald dress, with gold feathers like that of a peacock imprinted on it.

Her make up so light, her hair was in a bun. Jeremy couldn't help but to compliment his wife.

"You look breath taking you know" he said as he offered his hands to her.. she gladly took it as she blushed.

This the first time the world will be seeing them after their marriage. Michelle inwardly prays she doesn't do anything to bring shame to her family or her in laws.

The ride to her in-laws house was so quiet yet very comfortable. Immediately the car stopped flashes of lights nearly blinded her.

Jeremy was instantly by his wife side wrapping his arms securely around her thin waist.

When they entered the grand mansion all eyes was on them, the room was instantly quiet even a pin drop could be heard.

Guys where ogling at Michelle while the dates openly glared at her.

Mr and Mrs Pine where the first to break the silence.

"Welcome son, I can't believe you made it. And Michelle" Mrs Pine went to hug them and gave each a kiss on the cheek.

She welcomed them in and the party was already in a swing as if they didn't stop what they where doing to stare at them.

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