Concerning Vampires, 1617 Edition

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A Brief History Of Vampires

Vampires are an ancient people who live on blood. Once they were a greatly disjointed species, preying on whatever came their way, little more than animals. Over time, by about The Year Of Our Lorde 1100, vampires had begun what we know today as the clans. The clans were not fully established until 1312, according to our oldest writings on the clans. In 1527, vampires agreed that they would no longer feed upon humans, in accordance with His Majesty The King's royal treaty between humans, vampires, and werewolves. As of March 27 of The Year Of Our Lorde 1617, there have been no major vampire uprisings in sixteen years.

Major Vampire Facts

Vampires feed upon blood. The average adult vampire requires five liters of blood a month. Vampire pups require only three.

Vampires marry and produce children in ways similar to humans, only their significant others are known as life mates and children under two hundred are known as pups.

Vampires live in clans, or family groups. The most prominent clans are the Star Clan, the Forest Clan, the Sea Clan, and the Ancient Clan. The Star Clan is the most dangerous and volatile clan, closely followed by the Sea Clan. The Ancient Clan is the only nomadic clan as of The Yeare Of Our Lord 1617. The Forest Clan are the most peaceful clan. Other, less known, clans are not included here.

Vampires are often depicted as evil, for they have no soul and therefore do not appear in mirrors. However, no creature is inherently evil and lack of a soul does not make them so. Despite this, vampire hunting is a popular and rather dangerous sport often undertaken by nobles, even under treaty.

Vampires can change into bats and read minds. They can also switch sexes twice a moon. Their eyesight is far enhanced to humans, able to see up to four miles on flat land. Their smell is also enhanced, and their hearing is very bad.

Vampires may die of several causes: injuries caused by crucifix silver or sharp wooden splinters/stakes; and fire. Contrary to popular opinion, they cannot be killed by sunlight, they merely have sensitive skin and eyes.

Vampires, Humans, and Werewolves

Despite the treaty that forbids vampires and werewolves from feeding on or turning humans, the three species are often attacking each other.

Vampires and werewolves are not always enemies, it depends on which clan and which pack are interacting. Sometimes, as in the case of Star Clan and the extinct Aria Pack, the two will live together in peace. The last recording of this alliance had the five remaining werewolves of Aria Pack living within the ranks of Star Clan. (see Vampire and Werewolf Interactions, Oltmann and Davis, Anno Domini 1614). Other times, as in the Fulton Pack and the now extinct Swordfire Clan, the two will fight to the death in rivalry.

Vampires and humans have an odd history. Our fear of the unknown often leads us to attack that which is not like us, with nothing besides rumor and superstition as an excuse for our acts. Many such times have occurred in history: humans, regretfully including myself at one point, attacking vampires without reason.

Older readers may recall the Sea Clan Incident of 1577, in which a Sea Clan ship docked at Jamestown in the James dukedom on Brightall. The 384 vampires all went ashore and the captain of the ship woke the next morning to find his ship aflame and his men's throats slit, causing Sea Clan and the James dukedom to have a brief war of three days, during which Sea Clan pelted projectiles and ballast at various ports in the James dukedom, resulting in 58 casualties of humans and 1 of Sea Clan, when a pup attempting to load a trebuchet accidentally launched himself as well. After that, the James dukedom admitted that they had committed a crime against guests which broke hospitality laws and paid a fine of 450,000 coin to Sea Clan.

Werewolves and humans have a much less terse relationship, with the Werewolf Citizenship Grant of 1597. This allowed werewolves to become official citizens in the King's provinces of the Isle Of Stone, Sharkland, and the Imperial City. Unfortunately, no such allowances are yet available for vampires.

Parting Words and A Plea For Peace

Although vampires and humans do not have the best of relationships, perhaps one day we may be able to work together. This day will only come if we ourselves make the effort to reach out to the vampires and welcome them into our society, so that our children may have a safe future together. Some may call me a crazy old woman, some may call me a leader who revolutionized the vampire peace processes, but I remain,
Truly yours,

Sister Wilhelmina Saharem

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