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Early fall, The Year Of Our Lord 1628
Darkhall, Delanor Lordship, Isle Of Stone, a province of King Edward I

I slow Azalea to a walk as I approach the mountains and the tower that must be Darkhall. Behind me, all my soldiers slow as well. The cold wind whips around me, freezing me to the bone.

A lone vampire woman stands at the gate of the tower courtyard. "You're not welcome here," she cries in a thick accent. I continue going forward, she can't be much of a threat. "I said, you're not welcome here! I'm sure whatever you came for, you can leave without!" She yells loudly.

"Really? Do you by any chance know of a Stephen or Victor Strange here?" I ask, trying to stay non-threatening. Her face becomes a mask of horror, then of anger.

"I've heard of you, Iron Man. I advise you to go. There's nothing left here for you." She shifts into her bat form, soaring up to the top of the tower. A moment later, a bell tolls loudly in a sort of signal. I dont know what it means, but suddenly the hills are full of bats, all flying upwards in a huge swarm. The horses whinny and stomp, trying to bolt.

"Keep hold of your reins! There's nothing to be afraid of!" I call back. Natasha and Rhodey come to flank me, watching the bat swarm turn the sky black.

"Tony, what just happened? Are we really going to face that for one vampire?" Rhodey's eyes are wide and full of worry. He's scared, something I've never seen on him before. I reach to grab his hand, staring at him so he knows how serious I am.

"They're more scared than we are. They won't fight. Now, come on." I ride through the gates. The courtyard is almost neatly paved, one half is clean and the stones are almost shined. The other half looks like someone abandoned it halfway through making it look like the first half. A pile of paving stones and a pail of mortar are left on the ground.

I ride straight for the main doors, dismounting at a hitching post to the left. The others follow my lead as I push open one of the doors and walk into a cavernous hall. The ceiling is flat, so there must be at least two floors. I walk straight down the hall as confidently as possible, pushing the door at the end just enough for it to swing open on silent hinges. Inside is a feasting hall, larger than my own. At the front is a dais with a single chair on it. I feel jealous of the beautiful room for a second, then remember why I'm here and study the room. It seems empty until a plume of purple smoke rises from the chair on the dais.

An extremely tall vampire with jet black hair neatly combed back steps out of the smoke. He throws his black cape out behind him, the underside is scarlet red. He smiles widely and I recognize those eyes and those bright fangs, the thing I have hunted for twelve years. But Stephen is in here somewhere, I have to make sure he's safe. Stephen is priority.

"Lord Stark, I bid you welcome," the vampire calls in a rather mocking tone.

"Where is Stephen?!" I call. The vampire chuckles, then frowns and waves his hand at a door.

"Did you think that I would hurt him? My own brother?" He asks, then calls in the direction of the door, "Stephen, he is here. I need you to reassure him that you are safe and then get out of here, alright?" Stephen walks through, smiling sadly as he sees me. I shift my weight at the sight of Stephen in the traditional vampire clothing, his cloak billowing around him.

"Tony, I'm fine. Look, I promise I'll meet you back at your castle, but please don't hurt my brother. You may hate him, indeed you have a reason to, but haven't we all suffered enough?" Stephen's eyes look lost, torn between his brother and I. He looks so sad that I almost turn away and leave, but I came here to do this. I have to go through with it.

"Stephen, just get out of here. I love you and I want you to be safe." I wave my hand at the door behind me, but Stephen shakes his head, instead scooting closer to his brother.

"Promise you won't hurt him. I want your word."

"And I can't give it. The weregild must be paid, and the rule is one of blood." Stephen is thinking, I can tell.

"That night in the forest. You killed Donna after Victor killed your mother, family blood for family blood. Does that not pay the weregild?" Victor looks at me as Stephen says it. There is darkness in his look.

"Donna?" I ask. Then many things happen at once.

"Don't you dare to speak her name!" Victor screams, and there's a harsh clang as he draws a sword to rush at me.

"My sister. The one you killed," Stephen says quietly, touching the locket that hangs around his neck. And suddenly I understand. But it's too late to do anything about it now.

Natasha and Rhodey move to protect me, but I push them out of the way, drawing my sword.

"He is mine!" I call. I block Victor's first strike, then his second one. My sword doesn't even glance across his third blow as he twists like a snake, aiming for the chink in my armor that could kill me. I chance to look behind him, seeing Stephen watching us with something like anger in his gaze, fist clenched. I give up, lowering my sword, I don't want to live in a world where Stephen hates me. Then something stops the sword.

Natasha looks at the sword in her abdomen, then at Victor. There's a moment of dead silence as I stare, uncomprehending. Natasha smiles at me.

"I saved you, now finish your job. Make peace, have a family..." her voice trails off, her breathing labored. Victor pulls his sword out of her torso.

There's a soft thump of finality as her body hits the floor.

I lean over her, closing her eyes for the last time and offering up a small prayer for her soul to whoever is out there. Then I drape the side of her cloak over her face, sighing as I stand.

"You said you wouldn't hurt him. Instead you killed the woman who was like his sister."

The amount of pure accusation in Stephen's tone scares me. He turns to me, eyes filled with rage, fists balled up by his sides.

"And you were just going to let him stab you?" I gulp.

"Stephen... can we take this elsewhere?"


"Alright then," Victor interrupts, "Can we get back to the killing-each-other part?" I sigh, squeezing my sword handle. I suppose I could fight a little more if I have to. Stephen interrupts my train of thought.

"How about we say this instead: Donna's and Natasha's deaths paid the weregild for our families. We should put the past behind us, because I love both of you and don't want you hurting each other," Stephen says, reaching for my hand. I sheathe my sword and slowly intertwine our fingers, relaxing at the familiar, cool, papery skin on my own. Victor sighs, reaching for Stephen's other hand. He then glares at me.

"Take care of him. If he gets hurt, I will come after you and rip you limb from f*cking limb. Understood?" I nod, scared of the taller vampire.

"Good, I have to tell my people it's safe to come back," Victor says, suddenly businesslike, then calls down the hall, "Mara! I know I'm the current leader of the clan, but I want you to take over for a while." The woman from the gates comes in, glancing uneasily at Thor and Steve.

"Me? Leader? Vic, you can't just..." Victor cuts her off by grabbing her forearm. Almost instinctively, she grabs his back.

"I, Victor Strange, name you, Mara Longsword, leader of Star Clan. Guide the people with the strength and wisdom of the many before you. Be not afraid to seek guidance in the bad times, and accept it even in the good. Most of all, keep your family close, and when they go the long road, make sure they are set in the stars. May the moon go with you, and the stars light your way. Welcome, Mara Longsword, leader of Star Clan." He smiles at her. "Take care of them. I trust you completely." Stephen walks over to Mara and touches her hand lightly.

"May the stars light your way, Aunt Mara," he says softly.

"And may the moon go with you, Star-eyes," she says, smiling at him. Victor releases her and pats her on the back. "And you too, Brightfang," she adds to Victor. She then shifts into her bat form and flies back down the side hall.

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